European Opportunities

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1141
All-time Average Score: 160
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
January / 2016 802 326 84 -45 -8.32% Unknown -5.96 5.55
December / 2015 1128 -445 129 -33 -5.78% Unknown 3.42 21.36
November / 2015 683 130 162 -8 1.21% Unknown 4.02 10.38
October / 2015 813 315 170 41 1.33% Unknown 9.06 13.71
September / 2015 1128 -565 129 -80 -5.78% Unknown 3.42 21.36
July / 2015 563 314 209 39 1.06% Unknown 27.21 48.14
June / 2015 877 -301 170 -41 -5.23% Unknown 23.26 51.16
May / 2015 576 85 211 9 1.14% Unknown 29.11 57.33
April / 2015 661 -174 202 -20 0.19% Unknown 30.53 49.80
March / 2015 487 23 222 -7 5.48% Unknown 33.15 48.05
February / 2015 510 149 229 30 10.16% Unknown 29.69 48.84
January / 2015 659 192 199 12 3.86% Unknown 17.23 31.69
December / 2014 851 -86 187 -17 1.87% Unknown 10.25 26.08
November / 2014 765 508 204 54 6.12% Unknown 9.50 30.08
October / 2014 1273 -264 150 -38 -3.91% Unknown 7.50 22.47
August / 2014 1009 291 188 33 1.59% Unknown 12.70 26.71
July / 2014 1300 439 155 -15 -2.08% Unknown 14.45 29.26
June / 2014 1739 -565 170 -3 -0.74% Unknown 27.20 39.55
May / 2014 1174 -59 173 5 2.25% Unknown 22.63 39.07
April / 2014 1115 693 168 48 2.20% Unknown 27.70 37.62
January / 2014 1808 -43 120 -26 -2.33% Unknown 25.24
December / 2013 1765 -310 146 -16 1.17% Unknown 25.14
November / 2013 1455 13 162 9 4.18% Unknown 33.91
October / 2013 1468 -23 153 -13 1.93% Unknown 30.81
September / 2013 1445 -390 166 -5 1.74% Unknown 29.53
August / 2013 1055 36 171 -4 3.16% Unknown 20.52
July / 2013 1091 795 175 100 8.84% Unknown 16.08
June / 2013 1886 -270 75 -59 -4.31% Unknown -0.04
May / 2013 1616 166 134 46 6.48% Unknown 1.18
April / 2013 1782 105 88 17 2.99% Unknown -8.09
March / 2013 1887 0 71 New 1.73% Unknown -14.98


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European Opportunities's best month was February 2015, ranked #510 with a HedgeScore of 229 earning a 10.16% positive return.

European Opportunities's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #802 with a HedgeScore of 84 taking a -8.32% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!