F&C Directional Opportunities NOK

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1169
All-time Average Score: 165
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Year to Date Return:
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
August / 2015 1374 36 104 -12 -4.78% Unknown -17.90 10.82 $457,923
July / 2015 1410 -44 116 -12 -4.92% Unknown -13.67 13.26 $496,278
June / 2015 1366 -765 128 -78 -7.19% Unknown -4.87 22.97 $540,240
May / 2015 601 -46 206 -9 1.28% Unknown 6.95 33.43 $588,366
April / 2015 555 285 215 32 3.49% Unknown 13.45 23.09 $597,879
March / 2015 840 -227 183 -33 -0.35% Unknown 11.68 19.87 $538,738
February / 2015 613 339 216 47 4.58% Unknown 15.51 25.93 $572,423
January / 2015 952 -90 169 -17 -3.08% Unknown 13.87 18.96 $537,306
December / 2014 862 323 186 21 -0.27% Unknown 12.50 18.50 $577,735
November / 2014 1185 -214 165 -12 -2.94% Unknown 13.70 21.32 $88,249
October / 2014 971 393 177 -13 -2.82% Unknown 21.35 27.05 $97,289
September / 2014 1364 -622 190 -23 -1.87% Unknown 29.08 31.06 $111,165
August / 2014 742 -242 213 -20 0.12% Unknown 38.04 39.34 $122,516
July / 2014 500 313 233 7 4.76% Unknown 41.56 38.03 $132,915
June / 2014 813 -125 226 9 4.35% Unknown 38.16 36.22 $133,343
May / 2014 688 313 217 40 7.42% Unknown 25.08 29.79 $134,942
April / 2014 1001 701 177 50 1.88% Unknown 18.41 28.19 $126,075
January / 2014 1702 -36 127 -27 -4.25% Unknown 7.08 28.23 $104,752
December / 2013 1666 -198 154 -7 0.80% Unknown 16.31 $117,313
November / 2013 1468 137 161 37 3.59% Unknown 19.78
August / 2013 1605 -183 124 -17 1.60% Unknown 1.43
July / 2013 1422 426 141 55 2.24% Unknown 1.40 $109,061
June / 2013 1848 -482 86 -73 -5.53% Unknown -1.67 $100,811
May / 2013 1366 360 159 54 1.70% Unknown 7.12 $114,525
April / 2013 1726 24 105 -7 -0.41% Unknown -1.31 $117,344
March / 2013 1750 0 112 New 0.88% Unknown -4.40 $117,403


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


F&C Directional Opportunities NOK's best month was May 2014, ranked #688 with a HedgeScore of 217 earning a 7.42% positive return of $10,013.

F&C Directional Opportunities NOK's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #1366 with a HedgeScore of 128 taking a -7.19% loss of -$38,843.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!