F&C Directional Opportunities USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 852
All-time Average Score: 198
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
August / 2015 1175 45 126 -14 -4.75% Unknown -18.04 7.95 $7,208,400
July / 2015 1220 -108 140 -11 -4.80% Unknown -13.92 10.17 $7,951,170
June / 2015 1112 -690 151 -80 -7.22% Unknown -5.44 19.64 $8,468,344
May / 2015 422 -72 231 -13 1.15% Unknown 6.19 29.68 $9,975,308
April / 2015 350 222 244 33 3.54% Unknown 13.13 20.29 $12,056,214
March / 2015 572 -160 211 -33 -0.42% Unknown 11.20 17.02 $11,697,394
February / 2015 412 264 244 47 4.51% Unknown 14.96 22.87 $11,812,112
January / 2015 676 -80 197 -18 -3.11% Unknown 13.40 16.06 $11,302,285
December / 2014 596 173 215 12 -0.19% Unknown 11.99 15.54 $11,815,349
November / 2014 769 -160 203 -11 -2.98% Unknown 12.86 18.05 $11,942,711
October / 2014 609 107 214 -14 -2.95% Unknown 20.36 23.56 $12,385,847
September / 2014 716 -260 228 -24 -1.86% Unknown 28.09 27.54 $12,761,814
August / 2014 456 -199 252 -20 0.05% Unknown 37.12 36.55 $13,331,786
July / 2014 257 191 272 6 4.57% Unknown 40.49 35.26 $14,093,378
June / 2014 448 -62 266 9 4.19% Unknown 37.32 34.82 $14,292,881
May / 2014 386 239 257 42 7.77% Unknown 24.22 28.56 $13,775,199
April / 2014 625 568 215 48 1.77% Unknown 17.03 28.69 $13,190,095
January / 2014 1193 -265 167 -43 -4.31% Unknown 6.02 31.77 $14,308,954
December / 2013 928 439 210 40 0.59% Unknown 15.11 36.33 $15,337,726
November / 2013 1367 237 170 46 3.48% Unknown 18.74 37.06
August / 2013 1604 -608 124 -59 1.50% Unknown 0.31 5.27
July / 2013 996 656 183 61 2.21% Unknown 0.30 0.26 $17,093,476
June / 2013 1652 -711 122 -73 -5.75% Unknown -2.82 -3.21 $16,881,542
May / 2013 941 451 195 49 1.54% Unknown 6.13 -2.33 $17,955,642
April / 2013 1392 -115 146 -15 -0.39% Unknown -1.95 -1.29 $18,854,662
March / 2013 1277 0 161 New 0.74% Unknown -5.11 3.76 $18,695,548


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


F&C Directional Opportunities USD's best month was May 2014, ranked #386 with a HedgeScore of 257 earning a 7.77% positive return of $1,070,333.

F&C Directional Opportunities USD's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #1112 with a HedgeScore of 151 taking a -7.22% loss of -$611,414.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!