GAM Talentum Emerging Long/Short B USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 690
Current Score: 167
Current Rank: 690
All-time Average Rank: 1142
All-time Average Score: 157
Max Drawdown: -5.49
Annualized Standard Deviation: 6.18
Year to Date Return: -2.63
5-Star Rating: 6.18

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 690 615 167 37 3.03% Unknown -2.34 24.55 $2,000,000
April / 2016 1305 -464 130 -12 -1.63% Unknown -4.23 21.86 $2,000,000
March / 2016 841 -139 142 35 -1.13% Unknown -3.49 25.72 $2,000,000
February / 2016 702 -84 107 -10 -1.95% Unknown -5.21 27.87
January / 2016 618 479 117 -15 -0.90% Unknown -5.17 30.01
December / 2015 1097 -193 132 -3 0.96% Unknown -6.84 27.91
November / 2015 904 395 135 23 2.24% Unknown -8.03 25.69
October / 2015 1299 -202 112 -20 -0.51% Unknown -8.04 24.03
September / 2015 1097 260 132 26 0.96% Unknown -6.84 27.91
August / 2015 1357 -216 106 -41 -3.04% Unknown -5.98 29.62
July / 2015 1141 176 147 13 0.64% Unknown -0.70 35.29
June / 2015 1317 -291 134 -29 -0.94% Unknown -0.11 35.12
May / 2015 1026 218 163 20 1.04% Unknown 1.22 37.73
April / 2015 1244 61 143 6 -0.88% Unknown 2.31 32.91
March / 2015 1305 -21 137 -10 -2.88% Unknown 1.24 33.19
February / 2015 1284 -322 147 -21 -1.90% Unknown 1.09 40.97
January / 2015 962 252 168 14 -0.02% Unknown 4.72 42.23
December / 2014 1214 -180 154 -24 -1.29% Unknown 2.65 38.98
November / 2014 1034 -100 178 -2 0.59% Unknown 5.38 44.34
October / 2014 934 547 180 -5 0.79% Unknown 6.03 45.02
September / 2014 1481 -418 185 3 1.88% Unknown 7.01 44.27
August / 2014 1063 195 182 24 2.39% Unknown 3.60 46.91
July / 2014 1258 667 158 -4 1.24% Unknown -1.52 47.14
June / 2014 1925 -653 162 -1 0.38% Unknown 0.07 48.42
May / 2014 1272 256 163 31 2.13% Unknown -1.12 49.39
April / 2014 1528 89 132 -17 -1.92% Unknown -2.36 49.29
March / 2014 1617 -526 149 -39 -3.02% Unknown 1.97 53.05
February / 2014 1091 165 188 25 1.62% Unknown 7.25 55.42
January / 2014 1256 -119 163 -25 -2.00% Unknown 9.68 52.72
November / 2013 1137 -79 188 -1 1.21% Unknown 11.38 55.08
October / 2013 1058 371 189 22 1.72% Unknown 10.23 53.00
September / 2013 1429 -312 167 2 -1.34% Unknown 11.31 52.45
August / 2013 1117 -309 165 -41 -2.67% Unknown 12.06 53.84
July / 2013 808 190 206 30 2.86% Unknown 16.91 54.37
June / 2013 998 -76 176 -21 -0.81% Unknown 15.24 42.97
May / 2013 922 -15 197 1 0.86% Unknown 17.92 47.45
March / 2013 907 0 196 New 2.00% Unknown 14.69 54.71


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GAM Talentum Emerging Long/Short B USD's best month was May 2016, ranked #690 with a HedgeScore of 167 earning a 3.03% positive return of $60,600.

GAM Talentum Emerging Long/Short B USD's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1357 with a HedgeScore of 106 taking a -3.04% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!