Morea Greek Recovery A EUR Acc

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 361
Current Score: 224
Current Rank: 361
All-time Average Rank: 997
All-time Average Score: 163
Max Drawdown: -12.06
Annualized Standard Deviation: 25.20
Year to Date Return: 9.23
5-Star Rating: 25.20

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 361 678 224 71 9.90% Unknown 20.35 $12,924,831
April / 2016 1039 -670 153 -76 -1.39% Unknown 6.92 $12,100,124
March / 2016 369 217 229 107 10.68% Unknown 8.81 $12,430,474
February / 2016 586 158 122 27 0.31% Unknown -12.25 $13,910,447
January / 2016 744 233 95 -48 -9.21% Unknown -13.30 $13,823,776
December / 2015 977 -76 143 8 7.17% Unknown -23.88 $15,668,090
November / 2015 901 168 135 -8 1.03% Unknown -13.12 $14,460,912
October / 2015 1069 -92 143 0 2.87% Unknown -13.67 $15,717,206
September / 2015 977 -13 143 -3 7.17% Unknown -23.88 $15,668,090
August / 2015 964 783 146 87 12.89% Unknown -33.69 $14,708,021
June / 2015 1747 -222 59 -30 -9.12% Unknown -42.55 $13,325,471
May / 2015 1525 -24 89 -23 -2.32% Unknown -36.30 $14,186,995
April / 2015 1501 224 112 48 0.28% Unknown -34.26 $15,127,814
March / 2015 1725 -71 64 -46 -10.75% Unknown -36.80 $13,850,126
February / 2015 1654 -42 110 5 -0.97% Unknown -27.01 $17,011,109
January / 2015 1612 -73 105 -11 -4.08% Unknown -17.94 $17,666,413
December / 2014 1539 -279 116 -42 -5.47% Unknown -13.11 $28,495,209
November / 2014 1260 403 158 43 0.35% Unknown -10.02 $35,767,238
October / 2014 1663 -54 115 -64 -9.20% Unknown -10.89 $33,475,022
September / 2014 1609 -1037 179 -55 -6.54% Unknown 11.87 $54,275,568
August / 2014 572 6 234 11 -1.00% Unknown 29.92 $112,893,349
July / 2014 578 -126 223 -42 -4.41% Unknown 29.78 $118,369,671
June / 2014 452 -56 265 10 0.72% Unknown 40.37 $130,444,704
May / 2014 396 128 255 26 0.84% Unknown 29.33 $127,409,635
April / 2014 524 -239 229 -51 -3.51% Unknown 32.38 $129,811,441
March / 2014 285 -1 280 -8 3.16% Unknown 55.97 $137,621,087
February / 2014 284 0 288 New 11.38% Unknown 35.08 $133,240,370


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Morea Greek Recovery A EUR Acc's best month was August 2015, ranked #964 with a HedgeScore of 146 earning a 12.89% positive return of $1,895,864.

Morea Greek Recovery A EUR Acc's worst month was March 2015 , ranked #1725 with a HedgeScore of 64 taking a -10.75% loss of -$1,488,889.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!