Crescat Global Macro Composite

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 233
Current Score: 251
Current Rank: 233
All-time Average Rank: 424
All-time Average Score: 247
Max Drawdown: -5.25
Annualized Standard Deviation: 9.62
Year to Date Return: 1.60
5-Star Rating: 9.62

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 233 -49 251 -19 -0.73% Unknown 10.95 71.56 $29,717,129
April / 2016 184 177 270 39 0.52% Unknown 14.55 61.26 $29,717,129
March / 2016 361 -205 231 20 -5.05% Unknown 10.45 59.74 $29,717,129
February / 2016 156 -55 211 -80 2.69% Unknown 16.32 67.68
December / 2015 101 16 291 11 2.77% Unknown 28.34 91.94 $27,471,961
November / 2015 117 97 280 18 2.04% Unknown 19.04 55.69 $28,858,164
October / 2015 214 -113 262 -29 -1.00% Unknown 24.08 76.57 $27,899,743
September / 2015 101 -7 291 -3 2.77% Unknown 28.34 91.94 $27,471,961
August / 2015 94 174 294 43 4.83% Unknown 21.95 99.93 $22,466,395
June / 2015 268 -84 251 -37 -1.55% Unknown 16.22 82.51 $20,900,623
May / 2015 184 164 288 44 2.49% Unknown 23.27 85.10 $23,156,575
April / 2015 348 -86 244 -21 -3.08% Unknown 17.62 71.76 $20,139,626
March / 2015 262 15 265 -6 0.00% Unknown 19.18 83.81 $20,677,214
February / 2015 277 -88 271 -5 2.34% Unknown 13.46 81.82 $20,676,243
January / 2015 189 48 276 2 4.05% Unknown 16.14 80.51 $19,886,196
December / 2014 237 27 274 -3 3.28% Unknown 25.81 66.28 $19,129,897
November / 2014 264 65 277 20 6.36% Unknown 25.17 56.85 $18,382,219
October / 2014 329 464 257 35 2.40% Unknown 18.25 57.59 $17,028,156
September / 2014 793 -393 222 -39 -2.35% Unknown 13.67 63.45 $16,532,152
August / 2014 400 251 261 45 4.18% Unknown 14.13 77.84 $16,975,668
July / 2014 651 65 216 2 -2.47% Unknown 9.90 59.59 $16,193,442
May / 2014 716 -194 214 -16 -2.21% Unknown 7.14 49.20 $14,901,775
April / 2014 522 -301 230 -54 -1.79% Unknown 14.70 92.69 $15,873,250
January / 2014 221 450 284 51 12.71% Unknown 13.09 80.57 $16,460,539
December / 2013 671 135 233 16 2.75% Unknown 6.29 75.06 $15,450,541
November / 2013 806 92 217 15 0.48% Unknown 0.94 78.21 $16,172,195
October / 2013 898 227 202 13 -1.56% Unknown 0.52 51.11 $16,249,254
September / 2013 1125 -90 189 17 -1.96% Unknown -3.77 53.29 $16,605,218
June / 2013 1035 -604 172 -83 -7.69% Unknown 8.97 -4.63 $16,292,175
May / 2013 431 470 255 62 4.69% Unknown 18.79 3.15 $17,743,323
April / 2013 901 -587 193 -77 -8.44% Unknown 13.26 11.55 $16,698,241
March / 2013 314 279 270 46 5.95% Unknown 19.60 20.46 $18,693,890
February / 2013 593 0 224 New -0.45% Unknown 11.23 13.41 $17,937,454


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund August 2015


Crescat Global Macro Composite's best month was January 2014, ranked #221 with a HedgeScore of 284 earning a 12.71% positive return of $2,092,135.

Crescat Global Macro Composite's worst month was April 2013 , ranked #901 with a HedgeScore of 193 taking a -8.44% loss of -$1,409,332.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!