Marshall Wace-MW Glb Opportunities A USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1194
All-time Average Score: 164
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 621 -138 183 -7 2.22% Unknown 4.85 69.22
November / 2015 483 517 190 40 4.23% Unknown 4.59 71.03
October / 2015 1000 -379 150 -33 -1.24% Unknown 1.19 62.57
September / 2015 621 255 183 28 2.22% Unknown 4.85 69.22
August / 2015 876 -139 155 -32 -1.29% Unknown 4.95 68.86
July / 2015 737 186 187 21 2.46% Unknown 8.56 73.70
June / 2015 923 338 166 25 -0.03% Unknown 4.97 72.06
April / 2015 1261 -83 141 -10 -4.80% Unknown 3.51 64.51
March / 2015 1178 197 151 14 -0.13% Unknown 7.38
February / 2015 1375 -496 137 -39 -2.82% Unknown 5.91
January / 2015 879 277 176 16 2.80% Unknown 9.70
December / 2014 1156 63 160 -2 0.60% Unknown 6.29
November / 2014 1219 -142 162 -7 0.84% Unknown 7.67
October / 2014 1077 834 169 1 2.33% Unknown 7.67
September / 2014 1911 -678 168 1 2.32% Unknown 7.47
August / 2014 1233 398 167 39 2.10% Unknown 5.39
July / 2014 1631 810 128 -14 -0.92% Unknown -0.75
June / 2014 2441 -1218 142 -26 -0.26% Unknown 0.11
May / 2014 1223 209 168 27 1.68% Unknown 2.89
April / 2014 1432 -167 141 -32 -1.25% Unknown 1.52
February / 2014 1265 20 173 12 0.64% Unknown 9.63
January / 2014 1285 13 161 -19 -0.40% Unknown 11.29
December / 2013 1298 44 180 8 1.90% Unknown 13.38
November / 2013 1342 -179 172 -7 0.84% Unknown 10.24
October / 2013 1163 269 179 12 2.13% Unknown 12.56
September / 2013 1432 16 167 27 0.34% Unknown 9.18
August / 2013 1448 -271 140 -27 -3.85% Unknown 6.81
July / 2013 1177 -308 167 -20 -0.01% Unknown 11.51
June / 2013 869 319 187 12 2.50% Unknown 15.15
May / 2013 1188 27 175 9 0.32% Unknown 13.03
April / 2013 1215 26 166 1 -0.14% Unknown 15.17
March / 2013 1241 0 165 New 5.19% Unknown 18.48


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Marshall Wace-MW Glb Opportunities A USD's best month was March 2013, ranked #1241 with a HedgeScore of 165 earning a 5.19% positive return.

Marshall Wace-MW Glb Opportunities A USD's worst month was April 2015 , ranked #1261 with a HedgeScore of 141 taking a -4.80% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!