Nanjia SAC

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 479
Current Score: 200
Current Rank: 479
All-time Average Rank: 535
All-time Average Score: 249
Max Drawdown: -5.65
Annualized Standard Deviation: 10.88
Year to Date Return: 8.29
5-Star Rating: 10.88

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 479 -433 200 -117 0.56% Unknown 7.48 $20,143,265
December / 2015 46 -10 317 -14 14.91% Unknown 218.82 $17,375,547
November / 2015 36 21 331 8 16.24% Unknown 278.23 $17,537,356
October / 2015 57 -11 323 6 15.46% Unknown 246.45 $17,465,552
September / 2015 46 26 317 9 14.91% Unknown 218.82 $17,375,547
August / 2015 72 57 308 12 13.88% Unknown 188.97 $17,080,530
July / 2015 129 -15 296 4 10.98% Unknown 166.94 $16,210,786
June / 2015 114 72 292 5 11.08% Unknown 152.34 $15,768,530
May / 2015 186 -3 287 6 10.50% Unknown 138.27 $15,347,034
April / 2015 183 391 281 62 9.38% Unknown 124.97 $15,530,154
October / 2014 574 425 219 10 6.25% Unknown 49.02 $1,452,191
September / 2014 999 -215 209 -1 4.15% Unknown 41.05 $1,437,748
August / 2014 784 -32 210 4 5.20% Unknown 37.53 $1,433,808
July / 2014 752 916 206 32 4.91% Unknown 31.66 $1,433,808
June / 2014 1668 -499 174 1 4.89% Unknown $1,433,527
May / 2014 1169 -123 173 0 4.33% Unknown $1,425,883
April / 2014 1046 249 173 0 4.53% Unknown $1,428,696
March / 2014 1295 0 173 New 4.52% Unknown $1,428,512


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund August 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund September 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund October 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund November 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund December 2015


Nanjia SAC's best month was November 2015, ranked #36 with a HedgeScore of 331 earning a 16.24% positive return of $2,848,067.

Nanjia SAC's worst month was May 2016 , ranked #479 with a HedgeScore of 200 earning a 0.56% positive return of $112,802.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!