Nordea Inst FIS Em Market Debt BXH DKK

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 438
All-time Average Score: 244
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 559 -230 190 -47 -2.74% Unknown -10.63 $337,085,412
October / 2015 329 230 237 47 3.33% Unknown -9.60 5.44 $346,711,794
September / 2015 559 -43 190 -5 -2.74% Unknown -10.63 $337,085,412
August / 2015 516 37 195 -14 -2.48% Unknown -11.18 $340,655,319
July / 2015 553 -112 209 -11 -1.11% Unknown -8.35 $342,713,506
June / 2015 441 -24 220 -11 -1.86% Unknown -7.64 $347,922,045
May / 2015 417 -183 231 -36 -1.37% Unknown -5.46 $347,025,683
April / 2015 234 182 267 36 2.48% Unknown -1.34 $357,643,933
March / 2015 416 -130 231 -37 -1.61% Unknown -2.91 $332,996,368
February / 2015 286 -113 268 -11 0.33% Unknown 0.80 $350,830,752
January / 2015 173 210 279 34 0.67% Unknown 3.88 $356,610,060
December / 2014 383 -92 245 -26 -3.82% Unknown 0.42 $374,308,268
November / 2014 291 -128 271 -21 -1.62% Unknown 4.65 $398,571,719
October / 2014 163 254 292 33 2.15% Unknown 3.11 $366,288,952
September / 2014 417 -215 259 -37 -3.33% Unknown 4.06 $358,332,887
August / 2014 202 21 296 18 0.63% Unknown 11.14 $383,918,310
July / 2014 223 104 278 -3 -0.34% Unknown 6.59 $384,182,694
June / 2014 327 -91 281 -2 0.45% Unknown 7.35 $282,803,235
May / 2014 236 174 283 38 2.93% Unknown 2.16 $277,080,576
April / 2014 410 50 245 -5 0.85% Unknown -4.32 $244,027,462
March / 2014 460 48 250 1 2.14% Unknown -3.07 $223,254,766
February / 2014 508 219 249 44 3.41% Unknown -5.48 $217,547,249
January / 2014 727 -51 205 -27 -2.69% Unknown -8.03 $206,249,506
December / 2013 676 209 232 23 0.23% Unknown -5.99 $219,357,065
November / 2013 885 -422 209 -48 -3.07% Unknown -4.79 $213,100,976
October / 2013 463 194 257 22 3.09% Unknown -0.49 $217,294,645
September / 2013 657 137 235 43 3.24% Unknown -3.17 $205,863,553
August / 2013 794 -182 192 -36 -3.49% Unknown -4.65 $194,204,794
July / 2013 612 -11 228 -2 0.37% Unknown -0.88 $200,770,361
May / 2013 601 -378 230 -52 -3.60% Unknown 10.26 $193,955,458
April / 2013 223 66 282 7 2.17% Unknown 11.81 $300,220,360
March / 2013 289 0 275 New -0.39% Unknown 11.09 $461,584,308


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Nordea Inst FIS Em Market Debt BXH DKK's best month was February 2014, ranked #508 with a HedgeScore of 249 earning a 3.41% positive return of $7,418,361.

Nordea Inst FIS Em Market Debt BXH DKK's worst month was December 2014 , ranked #383 with a HedgeScore of 245 taking a -3.82% loss of -$14,298,576.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!