PIMCO Capital Securities Fd GBP Inst Inc

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1164
All-time Average Score: 168
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 1058 -329 135 -22 -2.09% Unknown 3.23
November / 2015 729 121 157 -9 0.65% Unknown 4.51
October / 2015 850 208 166 31 2.41% Unknown 4.34
September / 2015 1058 -86 135 -11 -2.09% Unknown 3.23
August / 2015 972 -79 146 -25 -0.72% Unknown 3.78
July / 2015 893 328 171 27 1.96% Unknown 5.13
June / 2015 1221 -193 144 -19 -1.23% Unknown 2.52
May / 2015 1028 6 163 -1 0.16% Unknown 4.42
April / 2015 1034 -50 164 -4 0.24% Unknown 5.70
March / 2015 984 26 168 -6 0.75% Unknown 6.40
February / 2015 1010 -68 174 4 1.96% Unknown 6.07
January / 2015 942 253 170 14 0.99% Unknown 6.30
December / 2014 1195 -100 156 -17 -0.56% Unknown 6.14
November / 2014 1095 -110 173 -3 0.49% Unknown 8.10
October / 2014 985 1280 176 20 1.32% Unknown 8.76
September / 2014 2265 -1028 156 -4 -1.57% Unknown 10.17
July / 2014 1237 373 160 -17 -0.56% Unknown 13.11
June / 2014 1610 -452 177 2 0.60% Unknown 15.92
May / 2014 1158 233 175 31 1.38% Unknown 12.45
April / 2014 1391 300 144 1 0.90% Unknown 11.01
March / 2014 1691 -134 143 -9 0.45% Unknown 13.08
February / 2014 1557 -71 152 7 2.17% Unknown 13.14
January / 2014 1486 269 145 -2 0.84% Unknown 11.93
December / 2013 1755 -126 147 0 1.28% Unknown 12.21
November / 2013 1629 -172 147 -7 1.11% Unknown 12.69
October / 2013 1457 225 154 6 2.63% Unknown 14.70
September / 2013 1682 -307 148 1 1.18% Unknown 14.57
August / 2013 1375 -55 147 -6 0.44% Unknown 18.45
July / 2013 1320 -824 153 -75 1.90% Unknown 16.77
June / 2013 496 -90 228 -31 -3.58% Unknown 16.81 $146,348,269
May / 2013 406 -100 259 -10 0.09% Unknown 22.57 $152,802,066
April / 2013 306 246 269 31 2.78% Unknown 20.02 $142,499,119
March / 2013 552 0 238 New -0.71% Unknown 15.92 $134,208,487


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


PIMCO Capital Securities Fd GBP Inst Inc's best month was April 2013, ranked #306 with a HedgeScore of 269 earning a 2.78% positive return of $3,961,476.

PIMCO Capital Securities Fd GBP Inst Inc's worst month was June 2013 , ranked #496 with a HedgeScore of 228 taking a -3.58% loss of -$5,239,268.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!