PIMCO Capital Securities Fd USD Adm Acc

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1254
All-time Average Score: 160
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 1101 -337 132 -21 -2.04% Unknown 2.49
November / 2015 764 114 153 -11 0.48% Unknown 3.64
October / 2015 878 223 164 32 2.36% Unknown 3.59
September / 2015 1101 -95 132 -11 -2.04% Unknown 2.49
August / 2015 1006 -81 143 -26 -0.81% Unknown 2.87
July / 2015 925 341 169 29 1.93% Unknown 4.30
June / 2015 1266 -193 140 -19 -1.36% Unknown 1.68
May / 2015 1073 -10 159 -3 0.07% Unknown 3.59
April / 2015 1063 -43 162 -3 0.20% Unknown 4.92
March / 2015 1020 10 165 -7 0.62% Unknown 5.61
February / 2015 1030 -66 172 4 1.96% Unknown 5.27
January / 2015 964 261 168 15 0.99% Unknown 5.53
December / 2014 1225 -96 153 -18 -0.70% Unknown 5.27
November / 2014 1129 -119 171 -3 0.42% Unknown 7.37
October / 2014 1010 1320 174 20 1.28% Unknown 7.98
September / 2014 2330 -1064 154 -4 -1.68% Unknown 9.35
July / 2014 1266 1052 158 11 -0.63% Unknown 12.35
June / 2014 2318 -845 147 0 0.49% Unknown 15.16
May / 2014 1473 -67 147 4 1.36% Unknown 11.80
April / 2014 1406 321 143 2 0.86% Unknown 10.31
March / 2014 1727 -158 141 -10 0.29% Unknown 12.37
February / 2014 1569 -51 151 8 2.21% Unknown 12.59
January / 2014 1518 252 143 -3 0.74% Unknown 11.24
December / 2013 1770 -118 146 1 1.28% Unknown 11.52
November / 2013 1652 -191 145 -9 0.99% Unknown 11.96
October / 2013 1461 238 154 7 2.57% Unknown 14.04
September / 2013 1699 -320 147 0 1.10% Unknown 13.84
August / 2013 1379 -93 147 -9 0.48% Unknown 17.83
July / 2013 1286 -449 156 -33 1.85% Unknown 20.75
June / 2013 837 -63 189 -22 -2.44% Unknown 22.29 $14,610,710
May / 2013 774 -170 211 -15 0.00% Unknown 28.77 $14,098,050
April / 2013 604 158 226 14 2.75% Unknown 26.22 $13,964,534
March / 2013 762 0 212 New 0.49% Unknown 21.75 $13,169,042


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


PIMCO Capital Securities Fd USD Adm Acc's best month was April 2013, ranked #604 with a HedgeScore of 226 earning a 2.75% positive return of $384,025.

PIMCO Capital Securities Fd USD Adm Acc's worst month was June 2013 , ranked #837 with a HedgeScore of 189 taking a -2.44% loss of -$356,501.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!