APQ Emerging Markets Value and Income Fd

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1370
Current Score: 95
Current Rank: 1370
All-time Average Rank: 1533
All-time Average Score: 108
Max Drawdown: -20.56
Annualized Standard Deviation: 17.53
Year to Date Return: 5.24
5-Star Rating: 17.53

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1370 -368 95 -60 -6.68% Unknown -12.24 $6,000,000
April / 2016 1002 -254 155 -6 6.42% Unknown -7.44 $6,000,000
March / 2016 748 144 161 82 9.56% Unknown -9.84 $6,000,000
February / 2016 892 43 79 35 1.53% Unknown -20.17
January / 2016 935 584 44 -41 -4.73% Unknown -21.07
December / 2015 1519 -392 85 -14 -5.58% Unknown -22.86 $4,848,214
November / 2015 1127 301 99 17 -2.19% Unknown -20.40 $4,505,688
October / 2015 1428 91 82 -3 2.74% Unknown -20.96
September / 2015 1519 91 85 40 -5.58% Unknown -22.86 $4,848,214
August / 2015 1610 -105 45 -54 -4.46% Unknown -21.50
July / 2015 1505 -43 99 -19 -4.11% Unknown -17.68 $5,380,683
June / 2015 1462 -43 118 2 -1.00% Unknown -13.96 $6,007,449
May / 2015 1419 -268 116 -36 -1.57% Unknown -13.33 $6,008,412
April / 2015 1151 576 152 90 3.66% Unknown -9.78 $6,191,950
March / 2015 1727 -375 62 -77 -2.99% Unknown -13.31
February / 2015 1352 278 139 36 0.38% Unknown -9.37 $5,606,055
January / 2015 1630 -324 103 -39 -1.75% Unknown
December / 2014 1306 515 142 43 -5.24% Unknown $6,906,972
November / 2014 1821 -232 99 -22 -2.88% Unknown
October / 2014 1589 991 121 -25 0.27% Unknown
September / 2014 2580 -800 146 26 -3.92% Unknown $7,158,516
August / 2014 1780 -43 120 0 0.19% Unknown
July / 2014 1737 1462 120 9 0.22% Unknown
June / 2014 3199 -1540 111 -21 -0.27% Unknown
May / 2014 1659 135 132 22 2.47% Unknown
April / 2014 1794 0 110 New -0.40% Unknown


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


APQ Emerging Markets Value and Income Fd's best month was March 2016, ranked #748 with a HedgeScore of 161 earning a 9.56% positive return of $573,600.

APQ Emerging Markets Value and Income Fd's worst month was May 2016 , ranked #1370 with a HedgeScore of 95 taking a -6.68% loss of -$400,800.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!