Dorset Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 522
Current Score: 193
Current Rank: 522
All-time Average Rank: 1205
All-time Average Score: 149
Max Drawdown: -7.40
Annualized Standard Deviation: 13.76
Year to Date Return: 8.60
5-Star Rating: 13.76

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 522 136 193 -2 2.74% Unknown 15.33 $4,000,000
April / 2016 658 108 195 38 4.06% Unknown 11.47 $4,000,000
March / 2016 766 -292 157 17 -1.70% Unknown 8.43 $4,000,000
February / 2016 474 -67 140 -13 0.51% Unknown 17.22
January / 2016 407 63 153 -39 2.82% Unknown 21.48
November / 2015 470 587 192 47 0.93% Unknown 25.72 $4,000,000
October / 2015 1057 419 145 55 0.52% Unknown 24.79
August / 2015 1476 -771 90 -100 -7.40% Unknown 6.15
July / 2015 705 300 190 31 2.60% Unknown 16.44 $4,000,000
June / 2015 1005 39 159 -2 -0.86% Unknown 11.47 $3,500,000
May / 2015 1044 -210 161 -19 -0.70% Unknown 12.51 $3,500,000
April / 2015 834 309 180 25 1.23% Unknown 14.30 $3,000,000
March / 2015 1143 -286 155 -33 6.27% Unknown 14.29
February / 2015 857 716 188 76 4.16% Unknown 11.29 $3,000,000
January / 2015 1573 -817 112 -84 -0.69% Unknown 6.20
December / 2014 756 956 196 81 8.63% Unknown 6.72 $3,000,000
November / 2014 1712 182 115 38 0.19% Unknown 0.95
October / 2014 1894 -344 77 -105 -10.90% Unknown 2.85
September / 2014 1550 112 182 54 5.18% Unknown $3,000,000
August / 2014 1662 237 128 25 1.58% Unknown
July / 2014 1899 1203 103 -15 -1.78% Unknown
June / 2014 3102 -1370 118 -7 0.06% Unknown
May / 2014 1732 -113 125 -1 0.87% Unknown
April / 2014 1619 0 126 New 1.22% Unknown


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Dorset Fund's best month was December 2014, ranked #756 with a HedgeScore of 196 earning a 8.63% positive return of $258,900.

Dorset Fund's worst month was October 2014 , ranked #1894 with a HedgeScore of 77 taking a -10.90% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!