Legiox SIL

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 872
All-time Average Score: 184
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 1281 -860 115 -83 -7.36% Unknown -8.00 $15,359,658
December / 2015 421 321 198 22 5.44% Unknown 2.41 $15,900,510
October / 2015 742 539 176 61 4.48% Unknown -2.85 $15,880,237
October / 2015 1281 -232 115 -23 -7.36% Unknown -8.00 $15,359,658
August / 2015 1049 -358 138 -54 -4.32% Unknown -3.26 $16,991,244
July / 2015 691 200 192 24 0.73% Unknown 2.26 $17,511,026
July / 2015 891 -88 168 -15 -2.94% Unknown 2.92 $17,531,015
May / 2015 803 -188 183 -24 -2.14% Unknown 12.28 $17,777,819
May / 2015 615 -53 207 -5 0.34% Unknown 15.93 $18,567,513
March / 2015 562 1 212 -9 1.46% Unknown 15.55 $17,701,796
March / 2015 563 -2 221 11 4.04% Unknown 14.05 $18,150,593
January / 2015 561 98 210 3 2.06% Unknown 9.53 $17,530,173
December / 2014 659 199 207 11 1.40% Unknown 8.86 $18,418,387
December / 2014 858 43 196 12 0.03% Unknown 7.61 $18,713,095
October / 2014 901 644 184 2 -1.06% Unknown 7.39 $18,757,756
October / 2014 1545 -828 182 -34 -2.59% Unknown 10.88 $19,116,873
August / 2014 717 156 216 22 1.14% Unknown 14.61 $21,302,598
July / 2014 873 177 194 -15 1.38% Unknown 14.78 $3,668,217
July / 2014 1050 55 209 31 5.88% Unknown 14.11 $3,702,386
May / 2014 1105 47 178 13 1.05% Unknown 4.45 $3,484,998
May / 2014 1152 0 165 New 0.01% Unknown 2.42 $3,504,565


This hedge fund has no awards.


This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Legiox SIL's best month was July 2014, ranked #1050 with a HedgeScore of 209 earning a 5.88% positive return of $217,700.

Legiox SIL's worst month was October 2015 , ranked #1281 with a HedgeScore of 115 taking a -7.36% loss of -$1,130,471.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!