Scopia PX LLC

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 47
Current Score: 329
Current Rank: 47
All-time Average Rank: 658
All-time Average Score: 216
Max Drawdown: -9.66
Annualized Standard Deviation: 8.17
Year to Date Return: -4.48
5-Star Rating: 8.17

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 47 88 329 45 2.95% Unknown -7.00 36.73 $1,210,000,000
April / 2016 135 -71 284 -27 -4.45% Unknown -8.39 30.39 $1,210,000,000
March / 2016 64 362 311 163 -0.67% Unknown -4.91 34.71 $1,210,000,000
February / 2016 426 208 148 34 1.21% Unknown -3.17 34.33
January / 2016 634 309 114 -32 -3.41% Unknown -6.32 34.33
December / 2015 943 -336 146 -25 -0.71% Unknown 0.96 36.28
November / 2015 607 139 171 -5 1.71% Unknown 0.94 42.88
October / 2015 746 197 176 30 2.64% Unknown 1.82 39.51
September / 2015 943 12 146 -1 -0.71% Unknown 0.96 36.28
August / 2015 955 70 147 -12 -2.46% Unknown 5.35 36.79
July / 2015 1025 -286 159 -33 -2.04% Unknown 9.30 43.27
May / 2015 739 206 192 20 1.40% Unknown 16.26 44.47
April / 2015 945 -206 172 -21 -0.80% Unknown 16.73 42.01
March / 2015 739 417 193 18 1.15% Unknown 18.66 42.90
May / 2014 1156 445 175 25 1.80% Unknown 3.47 31.19
March / 2014 1601 -566 150 -29 -1.17% Unknown 4.55 31.92
January / 2014 1035 282 179 29 0.10% Unknown 11.83 40.22
August / 2013 1317 -394 150 -42 -2.50% Unknown 4.84 37.78
July / 2013 923 -903 192 -174 3.00% Unknown 8.81 44.98
June / 2013 20 15 366 -3 1.40% Unknown 6.38 39.21 $1,210,000,000
May / 2013 35 16 369 22 3.10% Unknown 5.02 37.84 $1,192,000,000
April / 2013 51 -11 347 -9 0.56% Unknown 1.35 37.97 $1,147,000,000
March / 2013 40 0 356 New 1.70% Unknown 2.50 40.63 $1,136,000,000


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund March 2013
Top 100 Hedge Fund April 2013
Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2013
Top 100 Hedge Fund June 2013


Top 100 Hedge Fund March 2016
Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2016


Scopia PX LLC's best month was May 2013, ranked #35 with a HedgeScore of 369 earning a 3.10% positive return of $36,952,000.

Scopia PX LLC's worst month was April 2016 , ranked #135 with a HedgeScore of 284 taking a -4.45% loss of -$53,845,000.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!