Teraz Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 485
Current Score: 199
Current Rank: 485
All-time Average Rank: 1419
All-time Average Score: 113
Max Drawdown: -16.36
Annualized Standard Deviation: 26.84
Year to Date Return: 41.08
5-Star Rating: 26.84

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 485 -145 199 -42 0.17% Unknown 21.04 $5,000,000
April / 2016 340 158 241 37 15.49% Unknown 17.20 $5,000,000
March / 2016 498 -141 204 44 11.07% Unknown 3.19 $4,000,000
February / 2016 357 469 160 82 12.64% Unknown -4.73 $2,952,901
January / 2016 826 368 78 4 -2.51% Unknown -13.16 $2,131,817
November / 2015 1194 257 74 2 -6.05% Unknown -9.51 $2,440,581
October / 2015 1451 216 72 69 2.59% Unknown -14.28
August / 2015 1667 -47 3 -49 -7.46% Unknown -30.69
July / 2015 1620 49 52 -35 -6.99% Unknown -26.66 $2,690,342
June / 2015 1669 -126 87 5 -0.79% Unknown -21.51 $3,203,973
May / 2015 1543 -29 82 -28 -3.00% Unknown -12.43 $3,204,486
April / 2015 1514 201 110 42 1.68% Unknown -13.82 $3,302,374
March / 2015 1715 -59 68 -42 2.53% Unknown -13.28
February / 2015 1656 72 110 43 2.72% Unknown -14.46 $3,203,460
January / 2015 1728 -62 67 -35 1.09% Unknown -6.43
December / 2014 1666 283 102 57 -0.16% Unknown -2.86 $3,453,486
November / 2014 1949 -108 45 -47 -10.98% Unknown -1.90
October / 2014 1841 831 92 -51 -6.26% Unknown 9.50
September / 2014 2672 -984 143 18 -7.16% Unknown 16.46 $3,579,258
August / 2014 1688 -190 125 -13 -2.12% Unknown 22.89
July / 2014 1498 -54 138 -47 -0.45% Unknown 30.38
June / 2014 1444 382 185 70 10.68% Unknown 35.68
May / 2014 1826 -622 115 -47 -4.54% Unknown 18.81
April / 2014 1204 0 162 New 2.93% Unknown 28.33


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Teraz Fund's best month was April 2016, ranked #340 with a HedgeScore of 241 earning a 15.49% positive return of $774,500.

Teraz Fund's worst month was November 2014 , ranked #1949 with a HedgeScore of 45 taking a -10.98% loss.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!