Sierra Europe Offshore - Euro B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 453
Current Score: 206
Current Rank: 453
All-time Average Rank: 528
All-time Average Score: 224
Max Drawdown: -5.81
Annualized Standard Deviation: 7.12
Year to Date Return: -3.47
5-Star Rating: 7.12

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 453 216 206 13 1.48% Unknown -1.82 22.36 $19,200,000
April / 2016 669 -62 193 11 0.03% Unknown -1.94 22.00 $19,100,000
March / 2016 607 -466 182 -34 -0.71% Unknown -1.88 24.60 $19,300,000
February / 2016 141 78 216 29 1.08% Unknown 1.00 24.54 $18,600,000
January / 2016 219 144 187 -31 -5.25% Unknown 2.48 24.52 $18,300,000
December / 2015 363 -125 218 -22 -1.70% Unknown 10.20 33.83 $19,700,000
November / 2015 238 80 240 0 0.69% Unknown 10.55 34.51 $18,900,000
October / 2015 318 45 240 22 0.66% Unknown 9.52 32.32 $19,600,000
September / 2015 363 -150 218 -33 -1.70% Unknown 10.20 33.83 $19,700,000
August / 2015 213 139 251 10 2.49% Unknown 10.18 36.63 $20,500,000
July / 2015 352 180 241 34 1.55% Unknown 7.17 30.12 $20,300,000
June / 2015 532 -127 207 -26 -1.70% Unknown 3.08 29.45 $20,100,000
May / 2015 405 116 233 15 1.36% Unknown 3.86 29.99 $20,400,000
April / 2015 521 -77 218 -10 0.09% Unknown 2.54 22.49 $18,300,000
March / 2015 444 148 228 10 2.20% Unknown 1.02 21.72 $18,400,000
February / 2015 592 82 218 21 2.56% Unknown -0.48 19.31 $18,600,000
January / 2015 674 -92 197 -19 -0.15% Unknown -1.17 16.10 $21,700,000
December / 2014 582 260 216 19 2.14% Unknown -1.67 17.10 $23,300,000
November / 2014 842 -248 197 -19 -0.24% Unknown -3.03 17.28 $27,800,000
October / 2014 594 853 216 30 1.28% Unknown -2.92 20.34 $28,600,000
September / 2014 1447 -648 186 -22 -1.72% Unknown -4.33 14.79 $28,500,000
August / 2014 799 34 208 10 -0.34% Unknown -1.54 21.54 $30,900,000
July / 2014 833 4 198 -25 -2.32% Unknown -1.59 25.87 $31,600,000
June / 2014 837 -359 223 -19 -0.96% Unknown 0.65 32.72 $33,100,000
May / 2014 478 7 242 -6 0.07% Unknown 3.85 34.49 $33,300,000
March / 2014 485 4 248 12 0.68% Unknown 2.35 38.30 $34,200,000
January / 2014 489 53 236 -16 -0.65% Unknown 6.01 35.78 $34,200,000
December / 2013 542 66 252 14 0.72% Unknown 4.89 37.44 $35,100,000
November / 2013 608 -29 238 -1 -0.12% Unknown 3.66 35.44 $34,400,000
October / 2013 579 -62 239 -14 -0.20% Unknown 4.96 36.63 $34,000,000
September / 2013 517 -77 253 16 1.18% Unknown 3.13 41.31 $33,200,000
August / 2013 440 90 237 -3 -0.39% Unknown 4.01 40.18 $33,200,000
July / 2013 530 -197 240 -19 -0.10% Unknown 4.95 41.49 $33,400,000
June / 2013 333 237 259 25 2.19% Unknown 5.58 39.31 $33,000,000
May / 2013 570 -180 234 -27 -0.29% Unknown 3.06 38.47 $35,100,000
March / 2013 390 0 261 New 1.15% Unknown 12.00 45.63 $35,800,000


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Sierra Europe Offshore - Euro B's best month was February 2015, ranked #592 with a HedgeScore of 218 earning a 2.56% positive return of $476,160.

Sierra Europe Offshore - Euro B's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #219 with a HedgeScore of 187 taking a -5.25% loss of -$960,750.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!