Front Street Hedge Fund Series B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 394
Current Score: 217
Current Rank: 394
All-time Average Rank: 292
All-time Average Score: 251
Max Drawdown: -13.04
Annualized Standard Deviation: 10.34
Year to Date Return: -2.95
5-Star Rating: 10.34

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 394 149 217 8 1.94% Unknown -7.76 -1.51 $98,971,273
April / 2016 543 -115 209 -8 0.85% Unknown -7.36 -6.42 $99,939,397
March / 2016 428 -115 217 49 3.18% Unknown -7.91 -7.10 $99,970,538
February / 2016 313 15 168 3 -2.13% Unknown -10.57 -11.98 $71,598,111
January / 2016 328 -149 165 -92 -6.52% Unknown -4.03 -9.22 $71,029,438
November / 2015 179 47 257 0 2.07% Unknown 1.23 8.97 $81,397,480
October / 2015 226 181 257 49 2.29% Unknown 0.90 13.08 $81,436,643
August / 2015 407 -122 208 -46 -4.88% Unknown -4.35 29.01 $80,905,684
July / 2015 285 -14 254 4 -0.12% Unknown 0.99 35.94 $87,028,199
June / 2015 271 -68 250 -31 -0.57% Unknown 0.48 42.08 $91,116,044
May / 2015 203 52 281 19 2.38% Unknown 5.80 34.46 $91,658,163
April / 2015 255 13 262 0 0.25% Unknown 4.61 23.68 $92,400,308
March / 2015 268 -41 262 -21 0.20% Unknown 5.78 22.87 $90,869,234
February / 2015 227 94 283 38 5.03% Unknown 6.64 27.27 $92,020,627
January / 2015 321 25 245 -7 -0.98% Unknown 6.28 25.00 $86,755,481
December / 2014 346 -122 252 -33 -1.67% Unknown 9.86 24.22 $96,807,766
November / 2014 224 135 285 35 1.74% Unknown 13.16 32.65 $100,263,265
October / 2014 359 -38 250 -21 -3.32% Unknown 14.26 32.95 $99,899,066
September / 2014 321 -117 271 -25 -2.12% Unknown 22.82 35.66 $104,892,881
August / 2014 204 30 296 20 0.43% Unknown 28.78 45.94 $110,628,163
July / 2014 234 -81 276 -38 -0.63% Unknown 29.25 48.40 $109,929,690
June / 2014 153 84 314 31 4.70% Unknown 33.45 52.43 $113,541,435
May / 2014 237 0 283 New 1.23% Unknown 27.24 45.72 $106,471,411


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Front Street Hedge Fund Series B's best month was February 2015, ranked #227 with a HedgeScore of 283 earning a 5.03% positive return of $4,628,638.

Front Street Hedge Fund Series B's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #328 with a HedgeScore of 165 taking a -6.52% loss of -$4,631,119.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!