VTB Capital Russia & CIS FI Fd Ltd

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 428
Current Score: 211
Current Rank: 428
All-time Average Rank: 1093
All-time Average Score: 172
Max Drawdown: -3.42
Annualized Standard Deviation: 6.03
Year to Date Return: 7.81
5-Star Rating: 6.03

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 428 40 211 -11 0.56% Unknown 9.94 $18,647,024
April / 2016 468 -32 222 6 2.73% Unknown 13.21 $18,543,526
March / 2016 436 -284 216 4 2.54% Unknown 17.09 $18,052,673
February / 2016 152 199 212 2 1.69% Unknown 22.83 $17,606,265
November / 2015 351 797 210 81 2.34% Unknown 15.85 $17,570,811
August / 2015 1148 415 129 50 -1.65% Unknown -3.39 $16,382,625
July / 2015 1563 -263 79 -56 -0.69% Unknown -4.39
June / 2015 1300 -289 135 -30 -1.12% Unknown -7.44 $16,775,254
March / 2015 1011 110 165 3 7.57% Unknown -8.38 $15,404,859
February / 2015 1121 663 162 57 10.34% Unknown -19.32 $14,320,291
November / 2014 1784 -345 105 -29 -8.62% Unknown -15.91 $15,894,541
October / 2014 1439 551 134 -30 -2.94% Unknown -10.53 $17,393,053
September / 2014 1990 -531 164 23 0.49% Unknown -5.91 $18,012,162
July / 2014 1459 -240 141 -56 -3.86% Unknown -3.20 $18,417,644
June / 2014 1219 -317 197 2 1.79% Unknown 3.09 $19,105,989
May / 2014 902 560 195 56 7.95% Unknown -2.90 $18,771,130
April / 2014 1462 378 139 6 -2.00% Unknown -10.61 $19,184,656
March / 2014 1840 -527 133 -36 -5.28% Unknown -7.83 $19,576,752
February / 2014 1313 32 169 14 -0.15% Unknown -2.95 $23,666,142
January / 2014 1345 -332 155 -48 -2.77% Unknown -3.19 $23,701,000
December / 2013 1013 263 203 27 1.82% Unknown 1.33 $24,354,567
November / 2013 1276 -504 176 -38 -2.77% Unknown 3.21 $23,781,278
October / 2013 772 53 214 -1 2.07% Unknown 7.93 $23,971,146
September / 2013 825 143 215 37 2.68% Unknown 6.73 $23,491,063
June / 2013 968 -116 178 -19 -4.12% Unknown 9.47 $22,801,750
April / 2013 852 210 197 16 1.05% Unknown $23,581,989
March / 2013 1062 0 181 New -0.27% Unknown $21,232,437


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


VTB Capital Russia & CIS FI Fd Ltd's best month was February 2015, ranked #1121 with a HedgeScore of 162 earning a 10.34% positive return of $1,480,718.

VTB Capital Russia & CIS FI Fd Ltd's worst month was November 2014 , ranked #1784 with a HedgeScore of 105 taking a -8.62% loss of -$1,370,109.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!