Swell Investments, LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 332
Current Score: 229
Current Rank: 332
All-time Average Rank: 951
All-time Average Score: 171
Max Drawdown: -4.78
Annualized Standard Deviation: 8.11
Year to Date Return: 7.74
5-Star Rating: 8.11

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 332 369 229 40 0.45% Unknown 15.74 $3,363,562
April / 2016 701 -107 189 4 2.13% Unknown 13.88 $2,983,814
March / 2016 594 -333 185 6 1.76% Unknown 12.00 $2,734,426
February / 2016 261 166 179 29 4.11% Unknown 10.46 $592,111
January / 2016 427 200 150 -19 -0.87% Unknown 12.82 $507,838
November / 2015 627 183 169 -1 2.40% Unknown 7.20 $463,864
October / 2015 810 227 170 30 3.64% Unknown 4.95 $462,837
August / 2015 1037 -182 140 -35 -1.05% Unknown 4.56 $431,782
July / 2015 855 194 175 19 4.00% Unknown 7.89 $481,628
June / 2015 1049 169 156 17 0.46% Unknown 4.67 $456,990
May / 2015 1218 -110 139 -18 -1.17% Unknown 4.40 $432,486
April / 2015 1108 31 157 2 0.45% Unknown 5.32 $440,593
March / 2015 1139 -208 155 -25 0.36% Unknown 4.85 $423,543
February / 2015 931 369 180 44 6.33% Unknown 7.39 $373,933
January / 2015 1300 -8 136 -8 -1.80% Unknown 6.55 $254,482
December / 2014 1292 -133 144 -24 -2.40% Unknown 15.66 $265,583
November / 2014 1159 -263 168 -17 0.25% Unknown 20.52 $273,678
October / 2014 896 1073 185 20 1.70% Unknown 35.25 $289,420
September / 2014 1969 -1119 165 -39 -2.30% Unknown 53.20 $299,199
August / 2014 850 -50 204 3 2.10% Unknown 71.08 $331,053
July / 2014 800 620 201 15 0.90% Unknown 85.99 $221,790
June / 2014 1420 -327 186 7 0.20% Unknown 72.53 $227,117
May / 2014 1093 0 179 New -0.30% Unknown 80.28 $221,178


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Swell Investments, LP's best month was February 2015, ranked #931 with a HedgeScore of 180 earning a 6.33% positive return of $23,670.

Swell Investments, LP's worst month was December 2014 , ranked #1292 with a HedgeScore of 144 taking a -2.40% loss of -$6,374.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!