Whitehaven Correlation Fd Seg Portfolio

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 210
Current Score: 256
Current Rank: 210
All-time Average Rank: 979
All-time Average Score: 181
Max Drawdown: -1.39
Annualized Standard Deviation: 3.64
Year to Date Return: 3.04
5-Star Rating: 3.64

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 210 156 256 19 0.77% Unknown 10.02 $66,006,227
April / 2016 366 -148 237 -21 -1.39% Unknown 10.55 $66,006,227
March / 2016 218 100 258 90 0.67% Unknown 11.09 $66,006,227
February / 2016 318 -44 168 -8 0.68% Unknown 10.43
January / 2016 274 434 176 4 2.31% Unknown 11.28
December / 2015 708 -75 172 3 1.09% Unknown 12.90
November / 2015 633 201 169 1 0.87% Unknown 11.74
October / 2015 834 -126 168 -4 0.67% Unknown 11.21
September / 2015 708 -63 172 -6 1.09% Unknown 12.90
August / 2015 645 371 178 18 2.84% Unknown 10.79
July / 2015 1016 -87 160 -6 0.10% Unknown 8.24
June / 2015 929 253 166 17 0.73% Unknown 8.35
April / 2015 1182 -128 149 -14 -0.91% Unknown 6.99
March / 2015 1054 -29 163 -10 0.08% Unknown 8.19
February / 2015 1025 -115 173 0 1.46% Unknown 9.45
January / 2015 910 100 173 1 1.50% Unknown 9.21
December / 2014 1010 180 172 7 1.53% Unknown 7.81
November / 2014 1190 -214 165 -12 0.39% Unknown 7.62
October / 2014 976 1428 177 25 2.20% Unknown 8.09
September / 2014 2404 -872 152 13 -0.79% Unknown 5.76
August / 2014 1532 -32 139 1 0.47% Unknown 6.57
July / 2014 1500 921 138 -5 0.20% Unknown 7.38
June / 2014 2421 -792 143 9 0.72% Unknown 8.51
May / 2014 1629 -175 134 -6 -0.01% Unknown 8.21
April / 2014 1454 182 140 -8 0.20% Unknown 9.49
March / 2014 1636 -27 148 1 1.25% Unknown 10.35
February / 2014 1609 -60 147 7 1.24% Unknown 10.17
January / 2014 1549 -906 140 -97 0.20% Unknown 9.11
December / 2013 643 8 237 4 1.35% Unknown 9.22 $66,006,227
November / 2013 651 63 233 12 0.83% Unknown 9.04 $61,981,916
October / 2013 714 -218 221 -10 0.00% Unknown 8.65 $55,743,363
August / 2013 496 103 231 0 1.23% Unknown 13.73 $42,843,935
May / 2013 599 -26 231 2 1.16% Unknown 18.12 $37,122,707
April / 2013 573 60 229 1 0.99% Unknown 16.12 $37,685,983
March / 2013 633 0 228 New 1.07% Unknown 16.17 $35,908,979


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Whitehaven Correlation Fd Seg Portfolio's best month was August 2015, ranked #645 with a HedgeScore of 178 earning a 2.84% positive return.

Whitehaven Correlation Fd Seg Portfolio's worst month was April 2016 , ranked #366 with a HedgeScore of 237 taking a -1.39% loss of -$917,487.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!