Danske Inv Hedge Fixed Income Strat A

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 300
All-time Average Score: 277
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 238 -91 244 -27 -1.32% Unknown -0.10 102.85 $61,426,635
November / 2015 147 170 271 31 1.23% Unknown 1.03 104.84 $56,369,161
October / 2015 317 -79 240 -4 -0.57% Unknown -1.79 101.80 $59,631,713
September / 2015 238 -105 244 -32 -1.32% Unknown -0.10 102.85 $61,426,635
August / 2015 133 100 276 8 0.89% Unknown 1.89 105.59 $63,078,929
July / 2015 233 -6 268 7 0.23% Unknown 0.42 106.46 $62,327,353
June / 2015 227 -19 261 -18 -0.86% Unknown 1.90 112.00 $62,724,836
May / 2015 208 -51 279 -11 0.42% Unknown 2.31 114.83 $63,090,621
April / 2015 157 154 290 39 2.32% Unknown 2.29 117.47 $66,439,687
March / 2015 311 -137 251 -46 -3.36% Unknown 1.30 116.05 $62,675,594
February / 2015 174 -64 297 -5 1.43% Unknown 5.87 127.87 $70,148,731
January / 2015 110 795 302 112 2.87% Unknown 5.29 123.24 $70,879,771
November / 2014 905 -52 190 -28 -1.60% Unknown 7.49 125.34
September / 2014 853 -34 218 11 0.58% Unknown 13.52 136.96
August / 2014 819 -257 207 -19 -0.50% Unknown 15.36 144.89
July / 2014 562 508 226 18 1.71% Unknown 15.23 153.29
June / 2014 1070 -559 208 -23 -0.47% Unknown 14.17 166.19
April / 2014 511 93 231 -2 1.33% Unknown 15.95 200.22
March / 2014 604 -483 233 -99 1.00% Unknown 17.21 217.65
February / 2014 121 -49 332 -4 0.87% Unknown 18.21 229.02 $91,302,592
January / 2014 72 37 336 2 2.11% Unknown 18.43 228.05 $81,697,404
December / 2013 109 -7 334 -8 0.72% Unknown 18.44 255.51 $86,933,018
November / 2013 102 3 342 7 2.79% Unknown 19.18 253.30 $81,433,382
October / 2013 105 15 335 5 2.25% Unknown 18.47 230.33 $78,085,923
September / 2013 120 -1 330 30 2.21% Unknown 16.45 218.71 $74,120,638
August / 2013 119 16 300 -19 -0.61% Unknown 17.07 154.86 $75,530,648
July / 2013 135 -25 319 14 0.77% Unknown 19.48 157.41 $74,638,844
June / 2013 110 -28 305 -25 -0.70% Unknown 22.69 164.17 $71,956,395
May / 2013 82 -7 330 2 2.21% Unknown 27.49 161.60 $65,937,468
April / 2013 75 29 328 8 2.43% Unknown 24.81 159.38 $63,876,482
March / 2013 104 440 320 89 1.87% Unknown 23.21 155.54 $52,303,150
February / 2013 544 0 231 New 1.06% Unknown 25.21 144.43


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund April 2013
Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2013


Top 100 Hedge Fund January 2014


Danske Inv Hedge Fixed Income Strat A's best month was January 2015, ranked #110 with a HedgeScore of 302 earning a 2.87% positive return of $2,034,249.

Danske Inv Hedge Fixed Income Strat A's worst month was March 2015 , ranked #311 with a HedgeScore of 251 taking a -3.36% loss of -$2,105,900.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!