DGHM Enhanced Value

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 583
Current Score: 181
Current Rank: 583
All-time Average Rank: 509
All-time Average Score: 223
Max Drawdown: -11.09
Annualized Standard Deviation: 8.83
Year to Date Return: 6.05
5-Star Rating: 8.83

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 583 -21 181 -26 -0.41% Unknown -4.08 32.58 $14,723,852
April / 2016 562 -76 207 1 2.97% Unknown -3.83 31.83 $14,772,500
March / 2016 486 -170 206 38 5.21% Unknown -7.25 28.55 $14,372,220
February / 2016 316 14 168 3 -0.34% Unknown -9.71 22.19 $13,650,441
January / 2016 330 307 165 -3 -1.29% Unknown -6.53 22.19 $13,686,535
November / 2015 637 -68 168 -18 -2.90% Unknown -7.05 26.03 $14,482,940
August / 2015 569 -19 186 -24 -2.63% Unknown -2.64 36.09 $14,624,577
July / 2015 550 -69 210 -12 -0.62% Unknown 0.25 29.21 $15,054,880
May / 2015 481 47 222 5 -0.15% Unknown 2.23 26.77 $15,234,940
April / 2015 528 -123 217 -28 -0.70% Unknown 2.78 23.32 $15,250,794
February / 2015 405 -26 245 -2 3.09% Unknown 3.12 27.71 $14,742,604
October / 2014 379 112 247 -1 0.60% Unknown 6.53 40.78 $14,924,886
August / 2014 491 10 248 -11 0.26% Unknown 9.64 42.47 $14,952,078
June / 2014 501 -151 259 3 1.59% Unknown 14.47 47.72 $15,013,905
April / 2014 350 98 256 4 1.22% Unknown 15.42 42.36 $14,628,287
March / 2014 448 1 252 -5 0.81% Unknown 14.19 45.47 $13,421,557
February / 2014 449 88 257 28 1.73% Unknown 15.57 46.90 $13,272,501
January / 2014 537 36 229 -18 -0.95% Unknown 12.02 39.53 $13,011,029
December / 2013 573 -61 247 -7 0.45% Unknown 15.95 35.88 $13,185,877
November / 2013 512 0 254 6 1.37% Unknown 17.57 36.80 $13,127,417
October / 2013 512 53 248 27 1.24% Unknown 17.89 23.82 $12,902,242
August / 2013 565 -123 221 -33 -0.93% Unknown 14.23 11.24 $12,467,718
July / 2013 442 83 254 30 5.14% Unknown 17.52 12.74 $12,599,620
June / 2013 525 22 224 -13 0.27% Unknown 13.76 5.68 $11,867,186
May / 2013 547 139 237 20 2.56% Unknown 17.38 6.34 $11,817,796
April / 2013 686 86 217 14 0.14% Unknown 12.40 12.10 $11,444,015
February / 2013 772 0 203 New -1.40% Unknown 12.80 8.26 $11,147,972


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


DGHM Enhanced Value's best month was March 2016, ranked #486 with a HedgeScore of 206 earning a 5.21% positive return of $748,793.

DGHM Enhanced Value's worst month was November 2015 , ranked #637 with a HedgeScore of 168 taking a -2.90% loss of -$420,005.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!