DGHM Enhanced Value Ltd

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 768
Current Score: 158
Current Rank: 768
All-time Average Rank: 677
All-time Average Score: 201
Max Drawdown: -11.91
Annualized Standard Deviation: 8.90
Year to Date Return: 5.79
5-Star Rating: 8.90

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 768 -23 158 -25 -0.42% Unknown -5.12 28.50 $3,822,479
April / 2016 745 -136 183 1 2.92% Unknown -4.93 27.75 $3,334,008
March / 2016 609 -165 182 38 5.10% Unknown -8.30 24.58 $3,246,570
February / 2016 444 24 144 2 -0.46% Unknown -10.64 18.46 $3,086,204
January / 2016 468 358 142 -2 -1.33% Unknown -7.50 18.47 $3,096,558
November / 2015 826 -36 144 -19 -3.03% Unknown -7.97 21.87 $3,193,969
August / 2015 790 -9 163 -19 -2.89% Unknown -3.47 31.70 $3,367,264
July / 2015 781 -113 182 -16 -0.67% Unknown -0.42 25.33 $3,469,993
May / 2015 668 54 198 4 -0.22% Unknown 1.54 22.99 $3,517,959
April / 2015 722 -165 194 -28 -0.73% Unknown 2.15 19.69 $3,523,951
February / 2015 557 -21 222 -2 3.04% Unknown 2.51 23.90 $3,455,072
October / 2014 536 104 224 -2 0.50% Unknown 5.79 36.55 $3,512,430
August / 2014 640 45 226 -12 0.18% Unknown 8.99 38.24 $3,523,613
June / 2014 685 -205 238 3 1.51% Unknown 13.81 43.34 $3,443,665
April / 2014 480 140 235 3 1.25% Unknown 15.10 38.01 $3,358,181
March / 2014 620 -35 232 -6 0.76% Unknown 13.83 41.08 $3,312,479
February / 2014 585 104 238 29 1.69% Unknown 15.71 42.40 $3,278,672
January / 2014 689 34 209 -18 -0.95% Unknown 11.94 35.41 $3,215,566
December / 2013 723 -67 227 -6 0.37% Unknown 16.34 31.51 $3,332,530
November / 2013 656 8 233 6 1.23% Unknown 17.42 31.42 $3,317,300
October / 2013 664 57 227 27 1.20% Unknown 17.76 19.05 $3,261,914
August / 2013 721 -141 200 -33 -0.97% Unknown 14.07 7.07 $3,154,749
July / 2013 580 135 233 31 5.05% Unknown 17.32 8.56 $3,189,499
June / 2013 715 19 202 -14 0.19% Unknown 13.64 1.79 $3,006,701
May / 2013 734 142 216 21 2.86% Unknown 17.27 2.20 $2,996,217
April / 2013 876 118 195 16 0.13% Unknown 11.90 7.41 $2,903,152
February / 2013 994 0 179 New -1.63% Unknown 11.73 3.32 $2,833,819


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


DGHM Enhanced Value Ltd's best month was March 2016, ranked #609 with a HedgeScore of 182 earning a 5.10% positive return of $165,575.

DGHM Enhanced Value Ltd's worst month was November 2015 , ranked #826 with a HedgeScore of 144 taking a -3.03% loss of -$96,777.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!