Sprott Bull Bear RSP Class A

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1327
Current Score: 100
Current Rank: 1327
All-time Average Rank: 1690
All-time Average Score: 51
Max Drawdown: -22.91
Annualized Standard Deviation: 43.62
Year to Date Return: 55.43
5-Star Rating: 43.62

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1327 -807 100 -113 -6.23% Unknown 25.99 -75.74 $7,938,399
April / 2016 520 602 213 132 30.34% Unknown 39.91 -76.79 $8,553,915
March / 2016 1122 -643 81 -58 -2.90% Unknown 5.88 -81.29 $6,594,656
February / 2016 479 389 139 71 21.72% Unknown 0.00 -80.31 $5,075,735
January / 2016 868 423 68 67 7.61% Unknown -24.43 -82.37 $4,154,960
November / 2015 1291 177 1 -60 -9.33% Unknown -19.35 -85.53 $4,007,263
October / 2015 1468 144 61 21 0.52% Unknown -6.76 -82.58 $4,514,410
August / 2015 1612 68 40 68 2.96% Unknown -38.16 -80.51 $4,582,543
July / 2015 1680 120 -28 -38 -13.76% Unknown -42.51 -79.11 $4,685,167
June / 2015 1800 -230 10 -56 -3.96% Unknown -33.94 -77.34 $5,726,422
May / 2015 1570 110 66 44 4.13% Unknown -18.93 -75.62 $7,879,319
April / 2015 1680 103 22 23 -1.36% Unknown -31.01 -76.48 $6,278,887
March / 2015 1783 64 -1 9 -8.30% Unknown -32.25 -75.14 $6,219,556
February / 2015 1847 -161 -10 -99 -8.02% Unknown -37.79 -72.52 $7,047,716
January / 2015 1686 177 89 44 18.55% Unknown -21.83 -70.06 $7,797,073
December / 2014 1863 78 45 -7 1.84% Unknown -21.09 -75.87 $7,320,629
November / 2014 1941 64 52 90 4.83% Unknown -25.43 -76.69 $7,634,221
October / 2014 2005 1741 -38 -29 -19.77% Unknown -38.93 -75.65 $7,482,709
September / 2014 3746 -1746 -9 -37 -17.57% Unknown -28.08 -68.69 $9,803,740
August / 2014 2000 21 28 -28 -4.28% Unknown -26.43 -59.97 $12,543,986
July / 2014 2021 846 56 -70 -0.91% Unknown -9.54 -59.78 $13,495,068
June / 2014 2867 0 126 New 17.86% Unknown -4.45 -62.67 $14,327,071


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Sprott Bull Bear RSP Class A's best month was April 2016, ranked #520 with a HedgeScore of 213 earning a 30.34% positive return of $2,595,258.

Sprott Bull Bear RSP Class A's worst month was October 2014 , ranked #2005 with a HedgeScore of -38 taking a -19.77% loss of -$1,479,332.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!