Dynamic Alpha Performance Series H

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1040
Current Score: 130
Current Rank: 1040
All-time Average Rank: 1375
All-time Average Score: 138
Max Drawdown: -6.06
Annualized Standard Deviation: 4.21
Year to Date Return: -2.54
5-Star Rating: 4.21

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1040 663 130 31 2.09% Unknown -2.89
April / 2016 1703 -680 99 -12 -2.41% Unknown -5.05
March / 2016 1023 -385 111 -4 -0.74% Unknown -3.91
February / 2016 638 -107 115 -17 -0.73% Unknown -2.16
January / 2016 531 319 132 -25 -0.72% Unknown 1.86
December / 2015 850 -91 157 3 0.36% Unknown 8.30
November / 2015 759 378 154 20 0.36% Unknown 5.74
October / 2015 1137 -287 134 -23 -1.78% Unknown 4.55
September / 2015 850 98 157 9 0.36% Unknown 8.30
August / 2015 948 24 148 -17 -0.36% Unknown 8.75
July / 2015 972 137 165 13 1.26% Unknown 9.36
June / 2015 1109 53 152 3 0.00% Unknown 8.20
May / 2015 1162 94 149 7 -0.18% Unknown 9.92
April / 2015 1256 -200 142 -21 -1.25% Unknown 9.47
March / 2015 1056 23 163 -4 1.08% Unknown 10.20
February / 2015 1079 -63 167 4 3.35% Unknown 5.70
January / 2015 1016 398 163 33 3.86% Unknown 2.87
December / 2014 1414 142 130 -2 -0.96% Unknown 1.97
November / 2014 1556 -321 132 -22 -0.76% Unknown 2.97
October / 2014 1235 1333 154 7 1.74% Unknown 4.36
September / 2014 2568 -1065 147 6 0.78% Unknown 3.38
August / 2014 1503 10 141 4 0.19% Unknown 2.98
July / 2014 1513 1022 137 -2 0.20% Unknown 2.58
June / 2014 2535 -724 139 21 1.59% Unknown 4.62
May / 2014 1811 -187 118 -7 -0.59% Unknown 3.61
April / 2014 1624 -236 125 -28 -0.59% Unknown 9.03
January / 2014 1388 485 153 17 2.95% Unknown 10.39
December / 2013 1873 -174 136 -5 0.02% Unknown 10.40
November / 2013 1699 -120 141 -1 0.58% Unknown 9.22
October / 2013 1579 231 142 6 0.78% Unknown 8.60
September / 2013 1810 -243 136 7 0.39% Unknown 6.42
August / 2013 1567 -204 129 -20 -0.19% Unknown 8.70
July / 2013 1363 102 149 11 2.19% Unknown 9.85
June / 2013 1465 -7 138 -12 0.60% Unknown 6.81
May / 2013 1458 284 150 47 4.61% Unknown 3.96
April / 2013 1742 62 103 5 -0.63% Unknown -0.63
March / 2013 1804 -178 98 -23 -0.83% Unknown -1.44
February / 2013 1626 0 121 New -0.41% Unknown 4.54


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Dynamic Alpha Performance Series H's best month was May 2013, ranked #1458 with a HedgeScore of 150 earning a 4.61% positive return.

Dynamic Alpha Performance Series H's worst month was April 2016 , ranked #1703 with a HedgeScore of 99 taking a -2.41% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!