Portland Adv Plus-McKinley Fund A CN$

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1524
Current Score: 75
Current Rank: 1524
All-time Average Rank: 1554
All-time Average Score: 73
Max Drawdown: -71.58
Annualized Standard Deviation: 73.19
Year to Date Return: 47.58
5-Star Rating: 73.19

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1524 262 75 -15 9.24% Unknown -47.45 $1,678,819
April / 2016 1786 -750 90 -18 20.57% Unknown -57.75 $1,422,993
March / 2016 1036 -56 108 62 32.13% Unknown -59.22 $1,091,428
February / 2016 980 39 46 87 6.26% Unknown -71.07 $594,889
January / 2016 1019 209 -41 -95 -20.19% Unknown -70.14 $532,404
November / 2015 1228 209 54 -25 4.76% Unknown -59.67 $900,416
October / 2015 1437 257 79 130 18.85% Unknown -69.60 $880,326
August / 2015 1694 3 -51 -2 -26.10% Unknown -75.96 $893,390
July / 2015 1697 101 -49 -65 -32.98% Unknown -65.90 $1,217,676
June / 2015 1798 -185 16 -2 -10.97% Unknown -51.85 $1,907,348
May / 2015 1613 -138 18 -100 -12.19% Unknown -41.90 $2,105,956
April / 2015 1475 -17 118 -6 16.40% Unknown -33.01 $2,439,382
March / 2015 1458 -608 124 -65 -6.28% Unknown $1,760,343
February / 2015 850 -171 189 -8 9.69% Unknown $1,814,950
January / 2015 679 1057 197 106 13.70% Unknown $1,586,106
December / 2014 1736 109 91 0 -20.89% Unknown $1,533,845
November / 2014 1845 -91 91 -14 -21.03% Unknown $1,597,577
October / 2014 1754 1772 105 5 -13.54% Unknown $1,342,599
September / 2014 3526 -1577 100 9 -15.51% Unknown $1,296,597
July / 2014 1949 0 91 New -5.36% Unknown


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Portland Adv Plus-McKinley Fund A CN$'s best month was March 2016, ranked #1036 with a HedgeScore of 108 earning a 32.13% positive return of $350,676.

Portland Adv Plus-McKinley Fund A CN$'s worst month was July 2015 , ranked #1697 with a HedgeScore of -49 taking a -32.98% loss of -$401,590.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!