Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 677
All-time Average Score: 221
Max Drawdown:
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5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 315 0 224 0 -3.68% Unknown 15.35 $34,316,071
September / 2015 315 -80 224 -22 -3.68% Unknown 15.35 $34,316,071
August / 2015 235 169 246 15 -0.22% Unknown 19.25 $31,681,811
July / 2015 404 -88 231 -11 -3.71% Unknown 19.38 $31,298,070
June / 2015 316 -99 242 -36 -2.49% Unknown 24.59 $32,179,759
May / 2015 217 -35 278 -4 3.00% Unknown 27.63 $30,102,246
April / 2015 182 33 282 5 5.12% Unknown 27.67 $29,863,263
March / 2015 215 42 277 2 4.36% Unknown 27.28 $27,220,186
February / 2015 257 -95 275 -8 4.63% Unknown 24.04 $27,231,339
January / 2015 162 265 283 45 8.01% Unknown 20.95 $26,177,965
December / 2014 427 -102 238 -27 -0.32% Unknown 13.17 $25,982,186
November / 2014 325 253 265 47 3.88% Unknown 13.71 $26,386,399
October / 2014 578 -20 218 -26 -3.34% Unknown 9.78 $25,520,564
September / 2014 558 -130 244 -11 -0.42% Unknown 18.78 $26,611,931
August / 2014 428 -136 255 -12 -0.11% Unknown 25.61 $27,858,348
July / 2014 292 571 267 46 0.50% Unknown 29.36 $28,321,921
June / 2014 863 -371 221 -19 -0.11% Unknown 30.49 $28,833,243
May / 2014 492 -87 240 -6 3.03% Unknown 28.08 $30,477,242
April / 2014 405 209 246 14 4.80% Unknown 29.31 $30,048,534
March / 2014 614 13 232 0 1.70% Unknown 26.03 $28,491,409
February / 2014 627 -94 232 3 2.03% Unknown 24.41 $28,066,490
January / 2014 533 224 229 5 1.06% Unknown 28.31 $26,852,609
December / 2013 757 -48 224 -3 0.15% Unknown 31.06 $27,142,279
November / 2013 709 529 227 55 0.30% Unknown 32.65 $26,771,443
October / 2013 1238 128 172 0 4.59% Unknown 32.58
September / 2013 1366 -192 172 11 5.30% Unknown 28.48
August / 2013 1174 137 161 7 2.88% Unknown 22.66
July / 2013 1311 283 154 27 1.38% Unknown 19.87
June / 2013 1594 -283 127 -38 -1.96% Unknown 17.39
May / 2013 1311 76 165 17 4.03% Unknown 20.44
April / 2013 1387 121 148 8 2.14% Unknown 11.37
March / 2013 1508 -295 140 -20 0.40% Unknown 11.45
February / 2013 1213 0 160 New 5.22% Unknown 13.96


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


EQMC B FIL's best month was January 2015, ranked #162 with a HedgeScore of 283 earning a 8.01% positive return of $2,096,855.

EQMC B FIL's worst month was July 2015 , ranked #404 with a HedgeScore of 231 taking a -3.71% loss of -$1,161,158.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!