Venator Select Fund A

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 483
Current Score: 199
Current Rank: 483
All-time Average Rank: 795
All-time Average Score: 179
Max Drawdown: -13.12
Annualized Standard Deviation: 23.51
Year to Date Return: 4.16
5-Star Rating: 23.51

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 483 42 199 -13 1.75% Unknown 9.51 $18,079,096
April / 2016 525 -15 212 10 5.80% Unknown 8.92 $17,767,011
March / 2016 510 27 202 73 10.48% Unknown -0.55 $17,922,246
March / 2016 537 134 129 22 -1.35% Unknown -11.01 $11,975,337
January / 2016 671 -255 107 -92 -11.22% Unknown -4.64 $11,653,935
November / 2015 416 283 199 17 8.26% Unknown 1.00 $13,959,835
October / 2015 699 286 182 38 10.00% Unknown -6.03 $13,141,733
August / 2015 985 104 144 -8 -0.76% Unknown -5.38 $14,189,460
July / 2015 1089 269 152 22 -5.20% Unknown 2.82 $14,604,712
June / 2015 1358 -428 130 -43 1.41% Unknown 3.40
April / 2015 930 -141 173 -15 -3.40% Unknown 16.59 $13,762,642
March / 2015 789 -270 188 -39 -1.14% Unknown 26.80 $13,422,819
March / 2015 519 474 227 62 5.71% Unknown 28.83 $13,980,699
January / 2015 993 178 165 7 -8.43% Unknown 26.43 $13,339,643
December / 2014 1171 -526 158 -58 1.87% Unknown 32.12
November / 2014 645 -171 216 -17 0.72% Unknown 35.76 $13,797,739
October / 2014 474 759 233 37 4.67% Unknown 40.89 $13,856,685
September / 2014 1233 -164 196 15 -1.29% Unknown 39.06 $12,015,179
August / 2014 1069 0 181 New 0.08% Unknown 0.43 $12,538,605


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Venator Select Fund A's best month was March 2016, ranked #510 with a HedgeScore of 202 earning a 10.48% positive return of $1,878,251.

Venator Select Fund A's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #671 with a HedgeScore of 107 taking a -11.22% loss of -$1,307,572.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!