Fonds Bloemendaal

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1403
All-time Average Score: 138
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
August / 2015 1580 57 58 21 -1.25% Unknown -26.90 -31.79 $6,612,650
July / 2015 1637 79 37 -35 -8.33% Unknown -28.43 -28.35 $6,656,788
June / 2015 1716 -159 72 -6 -2.83% Unknown -23.10 -16.01 $7,323,024
May / 2015 1557 78 78 -1 -2.23% Unknown -22.00 -16.01 $7,637,997
April / 2015 1635 2 79 -14 -0.86% Unknown -24.12 -18.14 $8,543,896
March / 2015 1637 126 93 15 0.24% Unknown -21.56 -18.15 $8,431,912
February / 2015 1763 -29 78 15 -1.34% Unknown -20.77 -13.50 $8,949,602
January / 2015 1734 -367 63 -71 -9.32% Unknown -14.28 -9.85 $9,372,588
December / 2014 1367 3 134 -14 -0.58% Unknown -5.98 1.17 $11,213,662
November / 2014 1370 281 148 32 -0.47% Unknown -4.93 8.87 $11,639,539
October / 2014 1651 -1001 116 -119 -8.31% Unknown -5.18 10.72 $11,979,057
September / 2014 650 840 235 93 5.39% Unknown 6.66 19.84 $13,269,942
August / 2014 1490 -307 142 -23 -3.32% Unknown -0.55 16.35 $13,447,404
July / 2014 1183 687 165 1 -1.51% Unknown 2.51 19.00 $14,185,120
June / 2014 1870 -460 164 12 -1.44% Unknown 1.61 17.10 $14,921,919
May / 2014 1410 -662 152 -49 -4.89% Unknown 1.31 18.93 $15,089,857
April / 2014 748 593 201 32 2.49% Unknown 3.49 30.43 $16,157,760
March / 2014 1341 -245 169 -18 1.24% Unknown -4.86 42.09 $15,869,778
February / 2014 1096 456 187 48 6.74% Unknown -6.00 46.60 $15,887,143
January / 2014 1552 75 139 -17 -0.54% Unknown -11.48 34.16 $14,668,839
December / 2013 1627 -76 156 3 0.53% Unknown -10.94 35.11 $15,635,552
November / 2013 1551 -382 153 -25 -0.73% Unknown -5.12 42.18 $15,519,674
October / 2013 1169 797 178 57 3.14% Unknown -6.45 47.13 $15,556,526
September / 2013 1966 -609 121 -26 -1.74% Unknown -5.45 -5.66 $15,088,953
August / 2013 1357 47 147 4 -0.34% Unknown 2.73 -22.60 $15,006,818
July / 2013 1404 -368 143 -29 -2.38% Unknown 3.15 -20.28 $15,163,654
June / 2013 1036 195 172 1 -1.72% Unknown 7.58 -19.99 $15,456,816
May / 2013 1231 92 171 16 -2.85% Unknown 10.25 -19.40 $15,698,108
April / 2013 1323 -367 155 -36 -5.78% Unknown 3.79 -14.12 $16,248,472
March / 2013 956 -72 191 3 0.03% Unknown 5.78 -5.35 $16,817,125
February / 2013 884 0 188 New 0.51% Unknown 1.13 -7.82 $17,411,526


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Fonds Bloemendaal's best month was February 2014, ranked #1096 with a HedgeScore of 187 earning a 6.74% positive return of $1,070,793.

Fonds Bloemendaal's worst month was January 2015 , ranked #1734 with a HedgeScore of 63 taking a -9.32% loss of -$873,525.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!