FOTIC JuniorChina ALPHA 1

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 797
Current Score: 155
Current Rank: 797
All-time Average Rank: 1596
All-time Average Score: 132
Max Drawdown: -3.72
Annualized Standard Deviation: 9.91
Year to Date Return: -2.36
5-Star Rating: 9.91

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 797 -91 155 -33 -1.54% Unknown 10.53
April / 2016 706 172 188 18 0.95% Unknown 26.56
June / 2015 878 202 170 9 6.78% Unknown 46.10
March / 2015 1080 511 161 39 10.96% Unknown 11.74
March / 2015 1591 -138 122 -3 2.96% Unknown 0.19
January / 2015 1453 394 125 68 7.57% Unknown -1.42
December / 2014 1847 -189 57 -65 -11.57% Unknown -1.59
November / 2014 1658 -281 122 -19 -2.26% Unknown 12.54
October / 2014 1377 746 141 -20 0.03% Unknown 15.23
September / 2014 2123 -738 161 8 4.45% Unknown 13.93
August / 2014 1385 364 153 34 3.41% Unknown 8.80
July / 2014 1749 618 119 -26 -1.25% Unknown 4.82
June / 2014 2367 -800 145 6 1.98% Unknown 6.83
May / 2014 1567 110 139 18 0.89% Unknown 5.66
April / 2014 1677 245 121 -5 -0.90% Unknown 5.54
March / 2014 1922 -278 126 -18 -0.51% Unknown 7.07
March / 2014 1644 -255 144 -9 1.31% Unknown 7.69
January / 2014 1389 563 153 25 3.86% Unknown 7.81
December / 2013 1952 -17 128 8 1.12% Unknown
November / 2013 1935 -130 120 12 0.08% Unknown
October / 2013 1805 196 108 -6 -1.10% Unknown
September / 2013 2001 -304 114 2 -0.25% Unknown
August / 2013 1697 -147 112 -13 -0.38% Unknown
July / 2013 1550 51 125 -2 0.65% Unknown
June / 2013 1601 80 127 1 0.86% Unknown
May / 2013 1681 -86 126 1 0.78% Unknown
April / 2013 1595 107 125 5 0.53% Unknown
March / 2013 1702 -160 120 -9 0.07% Unknown
March / 2013 1542 0 129 New 1.42% Unknown


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


FOTIC JuniorChina ALPHA 1's best month was March 2015, ranked #1080 with a HedgeScore of 161 earning a 10.96% positive return.

FOTIC JuniorChina ALPHA 1's worst month was December 2014 , ranked #1847 with a HedgeScore of 57 taking a -11.57% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!