Morgens Phaeton International (BVI) A

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1533
Current Score: 74
Current Rank: 1533
All-time Average Rank: 1641
All-time Average Score: 110
Max Drawdown: -17.71
Annualized Standard Deviation: 8.21
Year to Date Return: -6.79
5-Star Rating: 8.21

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1533 559 74 24 1.47% Unknown -16.49
April / 2016 2092 -962 50 -25 -2.15% Unknown -16.53
March / 2016 1130 -220 75 1 0.37% Unknown -13.47
February / 2016 910 5 74 19 -0.42% Unknown -13.44
January / 2016 915 197 55 -48 -6.09% Unknown -11.67
November / 2015 1112 283 103 8 1.68% Unknown -8.48
October / 2015 1395 151 95 25 0.69% Unknown -10.70
August / 2015 1546 -19 70 -25 -4.64% Unknown -7.85
July / 2015 1527 122 95 3 -0.43% Unknown -3.76
June / 2015 1649 -314 92 -35 -0.50% Unknown -3.72
May / 2015 1335 164 127 14 1.43% Unknown 0.95
April / 2015 1499 127 113 15 1.44% Unknown -2.29
March / 2015 1626 87 98 1 0.40% Unknown -7.56
February / 2015 1713 5 97 21 1.62% Unknown -11.76
January / 2015 1718 0 76 -18 -2.31% Unknown -7.42
December / 2014 1718 76 94 -9 -0.14% Unknown -3.04
November / 2014 1794 -332 103 -30 -0.78% Unknown 0.42
October / 2014 1462 2051 133 31 2.68% Unknown 2.38
September / 2014 3513 -1653 102 -5 -1.46% Unknown 1.18
August / 2014 1860 20 107 1 -1.68% Unknown 3.68
July / 2014 1880 345 106 -45 -2.02% Unknown 3.83
June / 2014 2225 -372 151 42 4.32% Unknown 12.42
May / 2014 1853 -62 109 -1 -1.82% Unknown 5.62
April / 2014 1791 288 110 -8 -4.04% Unknown 12.61
March / 2014 2079 -350 118 -19 -4.16% Unknown 17.70
February / 2014 1729 -416 137 -22 3.36% Unknown
January / 2014 1313 232 159 -5 2.32% Unknown 19.35
December / 2013 1545 33 164 12 3.42% Unknown 20.77
November / 2013 1578 110 152 22 1.16% Unknown 15.83
October / 2013 1688 234 130 3 1.47% Unknown
September / 2013 1922 -720 127 -38 0.98% Unknown
July / 2013 1202 174 165 6 6.08% Unknown 12.30
May / 2013 1376 178 159 30 4.68% Unknown 9.23
April / 2013 1554 0 129 New 0.29% Unknown 1.05


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Morgens Phaeton International (BVI) A's best month was July 2013, ranked #1202 with a HedgeScore of 165 earning a 6.08% positive return.

Morgens Phaeton International (BVI) A's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #915 with a HedgeScore of 55 taking a -6.09% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!