Nordea Inst FIS Corporate Bond BXH SEK

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 754
All-time Average Score: 205
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 393 -39 213 -16 -0.51% Unknown 0.96 $50,307,828
October / 2015 354 39 229 16 0.94% Unknown 0.95 $50,160,903
September / 2015 393 -30 213 -1 -0.51% Unknown 0.96 $50,307,828
August / 2015 363 188 214 4 -0.71% Unknown 1.20 $49,982,687
July / 2015 551 139 210 24 1.16% Unknown 3.10 $10,097,092
June / 2015 690 -37 186 -13 -1.78% Unknown 2.20 $10,315,223
May / 2015 653 2 199 -3 -0.52% Unknown 4.59 $10,199,017
April / 2015 655 -138 202 -15 -0.56% Unknown 6.34 $10,489,644
March / 2015 517 108 217 2 0.27% Unknown 8.07 $10,214,103
February / 2015 625 -203 215 -14 0.04% Unknown 8.18 $10,532,235
January / 2015 422 128 229 9 2.15% Unknown 9.08 $10,615,436
December / 2014 550 68 220 1 0.36% Unknown 8.40 $10,981,330
November / 2014 618 -85 219 -5 0.16% Unknown 7.92 $11,509,762
October / 2014 533 420 224 13 0.96% Unknown 7.99 $11,556,374
September / 2014 953 -330 211 -17 -0.28% Unknown 8.49 $11,751,380
August / 2014 623 214 228 30 1.15% Unknown 9.74 $12,185,426
July / 2014 837 332 198 -3 0.27% Unknown 8.26 $12,160,397
June / 2014 1169 -320 201 1 0.52% Unknown 8.66 $12,527,340
May / 2014 849 -56 200 4 1.15% Unknown 6.12 $12,479,078
April / 2014 793 256 196 3 1.05% Unknown 4.03 $12,639,173
March / 2014 1049 -62 193 -3 0.37% Unknown 4.61 $12,571,757
February / 2014 987 -194 196 -4 0.87% Unknown 4.34 $12,677,539
January / 2014 793 463 200 18 1.51% Unknown 5.04 $12,298,098
December / 2013 1256 -149 182 -8 -0.08% Unknown 2.81 $12,347,776
November / 2013 1107 -149 190 -8 0.23% Unknown 3.82 $12,143,782
October / 2013 958 108 198 3 1.42% Unknown 4.28 $12,237,690
September / 2013 1066 -156 195 13 0.86% Unknown 3.93 $12,156,022
August / 2013 910 -18 182 -14 -0.21% Unknown 4.62 $11,661,493
July / 2013 892 159 196 10 0.65% Unknown 5.92 $11,868,796
May / 2013 1051 -302 186 -23 -0.84% Unknown 10.28 $11,811,096
April / 2013 749 0 209 New 1.61% Unknown 12.03 $12,231,505


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Nordea Inst FIS Corporate Bond BXH SEK's best month was January 2015, ranked #422 with a HedgeScore of 229 earning a 2.15% positive return of $228,232.

Nordea Inst FIS Corporate Bond BXH SEK's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #690 with a HedgeScore of 186 taking a -1.78% loss of -$183,611.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!