RRCM Onshore I LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1002
Current Score: 134
Current Rank: 1002
All-time Average Rank: 768
All-time Average Score: 192
Max Drawdown: -24.25
Annualized Standard Deviation: 19.78
Year to Date Return: 17.51
5-Star Rating: 19.78

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1002 57 134 -17 3.09% Unknown -7.13 -18.00 $17,165,764
April / 2016 1059 -136 151 22 10.59% Unknown -11.61 -21.23 $22,075,073
March / 2016 923 17 129 65 7.51% Unknown -18.74 -28.37 $19,921,575
February / 2016 940 374 64 -48 -5.51% Unknown -24.59 -32.62 $18,971,508
December / 2015 1314 0 112 0 -0.69% Unknown -23.33 -2.91 $30,510,008
September / 2015 1314 -587 112 -69 -0.69% Unknown -23.33 -2.91 $30,510,008
June / 2015 727 285 181 17 0.03% Unknown -16.62 26.10 $38,055,416
May / 2015 1012 25 164 -5 -1.89% Unknown -12.35 22.33 $38,277,569
December / 2014 1037 -25 169 -4 -0.40% Unknown -6.64 27.71 $40,549,073
October / 2014 1012 -694 173 -100 -6.64% Unknown -5.65 46.37 $44,540,110
August / 2014 318 161 273 37 2.09% Unknown 11.16 77.18 $52,354,513
July / 2014 479 -168 236 -48 -1.94% Unknown 10.78 74.68 $51,034,241
June / 2014 311 69 284 26 5.15% Unknown 16.05 86.28 $52,756,191
May / 2014 380 194 258 22 2.20% Unknown 10.43 67.94 $49,083,153
March / 2014 574 -6 236 -4 0.78% Unknown 6.97 67.95 $46,601,225
February / 2014 568 -122 240 -25 1.87% Unknown 5.83 69.65 $45,855,282
September / 2013 446 32 265 34 2.37% Unknown 10.76 39.29 $33,590,234
June / 2013 478 33 231 -12 0.06% Unknown 8.02 -0.01 $30,912,135
May / 2013 511 446 243 56 1.71% Unknown 5.06 4.44 $30,976,381
April / 2013 957 0 187 New -1.07% Unknown -3.76 8.24 $30,439,279


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


RRCM Onshore I LP's best month was April 2016, ranked #1059 with a HedgeScore of 151 earning a 10.59% positive return of $2,337,750.

RRCM Onshore I LP's worst month was October 2014 , ranked #1012 with a HedgeScore of 173 taking a -6.64% loss of -$2,957,463.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!