Victoria Capital Dynamic European Fd EUR

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1407
Current Score: 91
Current Rank: 1407
All-time Average Rank: 1492
All-time Average Score: 118
Max Drawdown: -11.39
Annualized Standard Deviation: 6.38
Year to Date Return: 1.43
5-Star Rating: 6.38

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1407 317 91 -6 0.49% Unknown -8.62 -12.56 $53,173
April / 2016 1724 -635 97 6 1.70% Unknown -8.86 -13.07 $52,917
March / 2016 1089 -171 91 20 0.91% Unknown -8.92 -14.01 $52,031
February / 2016 918 -78 71 -5 -0.78% Unknown -10.27 -16.09 $56,026
January / 2016 840 734 76 5 -0.87% Unknown -7.44 -14.50 $56,234
December / 2015 1574 0 71 0 -3.24% Unknown -7.15 -11.52 $59,171
September / 2015 1574 -62 71 -9 -3.24% Unknown -7.15 -11.52 $59,171
August / 2015 1512 -48 80 -38 -3.84% Unknown -4.49 -8.20 $61,387
June / 2015 1464 -361 118 -40 -2.25% Unknown -0.68 -2.15 $174,803
April / 2015 1103 268 158 25 1.64% Unknown 1.84 -4.83 $179,440
March / 2015 1371 -211 133 -26 -0.59% Unknown 1.02 -6.33 $169,210
February / 2015 1160 351 159 39 2.35% Unknown 1.48 -5.08 $177,767
December / 2014 1511 -186 120 -32 -1.13% Unknown -0.61 -6.49 $188,292
November / 2014 1325 209 152 26 0.82% Unknown 0.56 -4.21 $196,205
October / 2014 1534 -190 126 -30 -0.86% Unknown -0.23 -5.06 $195,580
August / 2014 1344 227 156 24 0.49% Unknown 2.44 -3.09 $208,368
July / 2014 1571 1030 132 -4 -0.34% Unknown 1.92 -1.55 $210,632
June / 2014 2601 -1158 136 -13 -0.22% Unknown 3.14 -0.08 $216,272
May / 2014 1443 -90 149 2 0.68% Unknown 3.14 0.84 $216,020
April / 2014 1353 531 147 18 0.82% Unknown 2.19 0.23 $218,022
March / 2014 1884 -78 129 9 -0.13% Unknown 1.03 -0.17 $214,957
January / 2014 1806 -15 120 -24 -0.99% Unknown 1.06 -1.05 $209,020
December / 2013 1791 -87 144 22 0.03% Unknown 2.71 3.27 $215,721
May / 2013 1704 -4 122 12 -0.25% Unknown 0.89 -3.97 $198,926
April / 2013 1700 0 110 New -0.32% Unknown -0.50 -3.45 $202,862


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Victoria Capital Dynamic European Fd EUR's best month was February 2015, ranked #1160 with a HedgeScore of 159 earning a 2.35% positive return of $4,178.

Victoria Capital Dynamic European Fd EUR's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1512 with a HedgeScore of 80 taking a -3.84% loss of -$2,357.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!