Victoria Capital Dynamic European Fd GBP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1256
Current Score: 109
Current Rank: 1256
All-time Average Rank: 1300
All-time Average Score: 137
Max Drawdown: -11.47
Annualized Standard Deviation: 6.53
Year to Date Return: 1.59
5-Star Rating: 6.53

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1256 285 109 -5 0.60% Unknown -8.50 -14.73 $1,250,653
April / 2016 1541 -506 114 6 1.77% Unknown -8.82 -15.41 $1,243,150
March / 2016 1035 -208 108 18 0.95% Unknown -8.88 -16.46 $1,221,524
February / 2016 827 -81 90 -5 -0.85% Unknown -10.23 -18.08 $1,686,307
January / 2016 746 730 95 4 -0.86% Unknown -7.46 -17.22 $1,731,128
December / 2015 1476 0 91 0 -3.25% Unknown -7.15 -14.61 $2,063,706
September / 2015 1476 -64 91 -8 -3.25% Unknown -7.15 -14.61 $2,063,706
August / 2015 1412 -89 99 -34 -3.94% Unknown -4.48 -11.40 $2,165,771
June / 2015 1323 -478 133 -46 -2.18% Unknown -0.64 -5.63 $2,301,007
April / 2015 845 320 179 27 1.70% Unknown 1.70 -8.33 $3,857,959
March / 2015 1165 -189 152 -25 -0.54% Unknown 0.78 -9.94 $3,664,473
February / 2015 976 364 177 40 2.21% Unknown 1.14 -8.93 $3,835,711
December / 2014 1340 -208 137 -33 -1.14% Unknown -0.92 -10.36 $3,803,351
November / 2014 1132 161 170 23 0.83% Unknown 0.22 -8.28 $4,186,768
October / 2014 1293 -191 147 -31 -0.88% Unknown -0.60 -9.18 $6,042,702
August / 2014 1102 204 178 24 0.46% Unknown 2.05 -7.34 $6,552,705
July / 2014 1306 761 154 -2 -0.34% Unknown 1.54 -5.72 $6,631,164
June / 2014 2067 -835 156 -11 -0.25% Unknown 2.76 -4.59 $6,738,772
May / 2014 1232 -81 167 2 0.62% Unknown 2.76 -3.87 $6,627,487
April / 2014 1151 463 165 16 0.78% Unknown 1.86 -4.54 $6,630,544
March / 2014 1614 -86 149 8 -0.18% Unknown 0.74 -5.10 $6,495,759
January / 2014 1528 78 141 -17 -1.04% Unknown 0.74 -6.07 $6,368,753
December / 2013 1606 -96 158 15 -0.01% Unknown 2.45 -2.22 $6,486,849
May / 2013 1510 27 143 12 -0.26% Unknown 0.61 -8.39 $5,523,533
April / 2013 1537 0 131 New -0.33% Unknown -0.78 -7.81 $5,685,214


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Victoria Capital Dynamic European Fd GBP's best month was February 2015, ranked #976 with a HedgeScore of 177 earning a 2.21% positive return of $84,769.

Victoria Capital Dynamic European Fd GBP's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1412 with a HedgeScore of 99 taking a -3.94% loss of -$85,331.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!