8a+ Matterhorn

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 846
All-time Average Score: 192
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
January / 2016 606 82 118 -56 -11.25% Unknown 3.40 35.17
December / 2015 688 -341 174 -37 -3.22% Unknown 16.25 59.54
November / 2015 347 18 211 -16 0.79% Unknown 27.07 69.55
October / 2015 365 323 227 53 5.23% Unknown 31.59 62.23
September / 2015 688 -18 174 -1 -3.22% Unknown 16.25 59.54
August / 2015 670 -118 175 -35 -3.63% Unknown 16.03 76.21
July / 2015 552 31 210 9 1.65% Unknown 18.03 79.06
June / 2015 583 107 201 5 1.83% Unknown 11.91 83.20
May / 2015 690 189 196 20 2.44% Unknown 6.72 85.76
April / 2015 879 -86 176 -12 0.17% Unknown 4.86 70.66
March / 2015 793 -137 188 -25 2.27% Unknown 7.49 72.11
February / 2015 656 59 213 20 11.18% Unknown 7.37 85.36
January / 2015 715 701 193 64 8.64% Unknown 2.65 62.17
December / 2014 1416 -441 129 -55 -2.08% Unknown -1.68 51.04
November / 2014 975 774 184 78 4.37% Unknown 1.89 59.87
October / 2014 1749 221 106 -59 -7.03% Unknown -2.02 51.24
September / 2014 1970 -980 165 -25 -3.41% Unknown 14.07 64.20
August / 2014 990 -23 190 6 -1.96% Unknown 35.56 77.16
July / 2014 967 259 184 -13 -3.63% Unknown 36.16 98.66
June / 2014 1226 -557 197 -22 -2.89% Unknown 48.86 122.33
May / 2014 669 -167 219 -13 0.65% Unknown 44.96 132.36
April / 2014 502 92 232 -2 2.68% Unknown 50.41 155.38
March / 2014 594 -77 234 -14 2.15% Unknown 45.42 209.45
February / 2014 517 38 248 21 6.29% Unknown 40.80 246.07
January / 2014 555 259 227 8 4.06% Unknown 28.62 187.38
December / 2013 814 23 219 5 1.47% Unknown 35.67 167.65
November / 2013 837 -234 214 -22 0.37% Unknown 35.64 166.69
October / 2013 603 79 236 3 8.25% Unknown 32.66 149.77
September / 2013 682 567 233 78 14.78% Unknown 26.40 66.91
August / 2013 1249 -363 155 -42 -1.53% Unknown 13.43 37.99
July / 2013 886 768 197 79 5.36% Unknown 19.85 44.88
February / 2013 1654 0 118 New -2.90% Unknown -0.70 35.16


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8a+ Matterhorn's best month was September 2013, ranked #682 with a HedgeScore of 233 earning a 14.78% positive return.

8a+ Matterhorn's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #606 with a HedgeScore of 118 taking a -11.25% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!