Havens International Investors Ltd

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 1013
All-time Average Score: 179
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
April / 2016 608 -204 200 -22 -0.76% Unknown 2.16 17.55 $10,000,000
March / 2016 404 -275 222 3 1.14% Unknown 3.07 19.64 $10,000,000
February / 2016 129 204 219 54 0.85% Unknown 2.28 18.56 $10,000,000
January / 2016 333 520 165 25 1.10% Unknown 2.85 18.88
November / 2015 853 4 140 -25 -0.52% Unknown 0.03 21.76
October / 2015 857 37 165 11 1.34% Unknown 1.51 21.71
August / 2015 894 322 154 10 0.04% Unknown 0.40 25.85
June / 2015 1216 -197 144 -20 -0.68% Unknown 0.18 29.03
May / 2015 1019 66 164 -2 0.47% Unknown 1.97 31.21
February / 2015 1085 161 166 26 1.27% Unknown 1.05 32.48
January / 2015 1246 -201 140 -29 -1.40% Unknown 0.08 32.35
December / 2014 1045 90 169 -1 0.61% Unknown 2.52 35.35
November / 2014 1135 137 170 20 0.95% Unknown 2.27 35.69
October / 2014 1272 1046 150 -4 -0.46% Unknown 0.66 35.34
September / 2014 2318 -994 154 -4 -0.87% Unknown 2.05 34.48
August / 2014 1324 -805 158 -73 -0.68% Unknown 3.68 36.76
July / 2014 519 1154 231 57 0.52% Unknown 3.92 37.92 $13,000,000
June / 2014 1673 -333 174 16 1.09% Unknown 4.48 37.41
May / 2014 1340 -320 158 -18 -0.19% Unknown 3.49 38.18
April / 2014 1020 176 176 -2 0.53% Unknown 9.40 39.07
February / 2014 1196 -231 178 -6 0.29% Unknown 12.09 41.30
January / 2014 965 378 184 8 1.01% Unknown 12.50 43.01
December / 2013 1343 60 176 9 0.36% Unknown 9.15 43.48
November / 2013 1403 -318 167 -19 -0.64% Unknown 11.69 46.05
October / 2013 1085 122 186 3 0.92% Unknown 13.36 53.52
September / 2013 1207 -219 183 -1 0.71% Unknown 11.37 49.08
July / 2013 988 -84 184 -15 1.06% Unknown 12.47 39.03
May / 2013 904 236 199 27 5.55% Unknown 10.58 36.52
April / 2013 1140 -685 172 -79 1.46% Unknown 4.42 30.53
March / 2013 455 -30 251 5 1.19% Unknown 2.93 31.78 $45,000,000
February / 2013 425 0 246 New 0.66% Unknown 2.08 27.87 $45,000,000


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Havens International Investors Ltd's best month was May 2013, ranked #904 with a HedgeScore of 199 earning a 5.55% positive return.

Havens International Investors Ltd's worst month was January 2015 , ranked #1246 with a HedgeScore of 140 taking a -1.40% loss.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!