HCP Black

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1199
All-time Average Score: 166
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 838 -297 158 -43 -1.78% Unknown 11.97 35.54
October / 2015 541 297 201 43 4.69% Unknown 14.88 40.83
September / 2015 838 -29 158 -4 -1.78% Unknown 11.97 35.54
August / 2015 809 -179 162 -38 -2.70% Unknown 15.85 40.60
July / 2015 630 280 200 33 1.83% Unknown 22.82 46.96
June / 2015 910 -301 167 -38 -3.35% Unknown 21.98 44.95
May / 2015 609 263 205 28 1.50% Unknown 26.75 48.58
April / 2015 872 -346 177 -39 -2.23% Unknown 25.57 45.06
March / 2015 526 191 216 12 3.46% Unknown 27.72 52.50
February / 2015 717 -238 204 -17 1.43% Unknown 22.93 52.48
January / 2015 479 281 221 25 7.05% Unknown 21.52 51.22
December / 2014 760 113 196 2 2.13% Unknown 14.05 39.84
November / 2014 873 5 194 7 2.46% Unknown 11.82 35.91
October / 2014 878 1002 187 18 2.04% Unknown 8.44 32.76
September / 2014 1880 -712 169 -5 1.62% Unknown 8.69
August / 2014 1168 109 174 17 3.16% Unknown 8.34
July / 2014 1277 934 157 6 1.13% Unknown 4.56
June / 2014 2211 -658 151 11 0.43% Unknown 3.68
May / 2014 1553 28 140 12 0.55% Unknown 0.24
April / 2014 1581 338 128 2 -0.56% Unknown 1.04
March / 2014 1919 -282 126 -18 -0.42% Unknown 0.15
February / 2014 1637 -219 144 -5 0.27% Unknown 3.04
January / 2014 1418 346 149 3 0.46% Unknown 5.69
December / 2013 1764 -38 146 9 0.14% Unknown 6.95
November / 2013 1726 -97 137 -16 -0.64% Unknown 7.20
September / 2013 1629 -129 153 18 1.30% Unknown 4.88
August / 2013 1500 -129 135 -12 -0.45% Unknown 3.84
July / 2013 1371 206 147 19 0.29% Unknown 3.94
June / 2013 1577 -256 128 -36 -2.90% Unknown 6.10
May / 2013 1321 155 164 25 1.36% Unknown 10.09
April / 2013 1476 -288 139 -32 -1.43% Unknown 9.75
March / 2013 1188 -87 171 1 2.46% Unknown 11.59
February / 2013 1101 0 170 New 2.85% Unknown 9.01


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


HCP Black's best month was January 2015, ranked #479 with a HedgeScore of 221 earning a 7.05% positive return.

HCP Black's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #910 with a HedgeScore of 167 taking a -3.35% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!