Hillsdale Global Long/Short Equity U$

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 812
Current Score: 153
Current Rank: 812
All-time Average Rank: 612
All-time Average Score: 210
Max Drawdown: -10.46
Annualized Standard Deviation: 11.27
Year to Date Return: -10.17
5-Star Rating: 11.27

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 812 590 153 28 0.32% Unknown -7.98 28.11 $781,666
April / 2016 1402 -784 125 -55 -5.35% Unknown -6.24 28.16 $781,666
March / 2016 618 -29 180 58 1.95% Unknown -3.53 41.49 $781,666
February / 2016 589 -126 122 -21 -1.53% Unknown -5.07 38.37
January / 2016 463 -167 143 -86 -5.77% Unknown -3.08 40.08 $781,666
December / 2015 296 81 229 25 1.90% Unknown 4.22 44.02 $7,074,847
November / 2015 377 10 204 -20 0.15% Unknown 4.54 45.74 $1,194,022
October / 2015 387 -91 224 -5 4.05% Unknown 6.53 43.71 $1,192,242
September / 2015 296 435 229 61 1.90% Unknown 4.22 44.02 $7,074,847
August / 2015 731 -278 168 -56 -5.00% Unknown 1.55 46.40 $1,124,541
July / 2015 453 203 224 33 2.29% Unknown 8.23 51.29 $1,183,712
June / 2015 656 -173 191 -31 -1.54% Unknown 4.71 49.10 $1,157,218
May / 2015 483 307 222 37 2.22% Unknown 6.75 49.32 $1,175,353
April / 2015 790 -225 185 -27 -2.60% Unknown 5.19 40.63 $1,149,883
March / 2015 565 -86 212 -21 0.31% Unknown 7.24 40.44 $1,180,632
February / 2015 479 212 233 37 0.54% Unknown 6.41 47.86 $7,000,000
January / 2015 691 -118 196 -22 2.94% Unknown 8.75 48.57
December / 2014 573 -95 218 -20 -0.44% Unknown 6.15 40.11 $7,000,000
November / 2014 478 -21 238 2 2.05% Unknown 7.25 44.96 $6,000,000
October / 2014 457 410 236 19 1.79% Unknown 7.41 40.51 $6,000,000
September / 2014 867 -313 217 -21 -0.71% Unknown 8.44 38.88 $6,000,000
August / 2014 554 125 238 25 1.25% Unknown 10.62 42.35 $6,000,000
July / 2014 679 63 213 -20 -1.03% Unknown 8.17 37.30 $6,000,000
June / 2014 742 -224 233 -4 0.37% Unknown 10.06 44.64 $6,000,000
May / 2014 518 69 237 16 0.72% Unknown 9.81 50.80 $6,000,000
April / 2014 587 61 221 -7 -0.70% Unknown 10.53 50.63 $6,000,000
March / 2014 648 -169 228 -26 -0.46% Unknown 13.51 47.73 $6,000,000
February / 2014 479 6 254 17 2.75% Unknown 16.73 47.67 $6,000,000
January / 2014 485 95 237 -7 0.48% Unknown 14.02 38.29 $6,000,000
November / 2013 580 -27 244 2 2.21% Unknown 13.91 39.64 $6,000,000
October / 2013 553 153 242 13 2.77% Unknown 11.63 37.18 $6,000,000
September / 2013 706 -17 229 25 1.28% Unknown 7.10 30.13 $6,000,000
August / 2013 689 -25 204 -18 -1.00% Unknown 7.82 10.62 $6,000,000
July / 2013 664 -65 222 8 0.70% Unknown 10.48 7.89 $6,000,000
June / 2013 599 64 214 -10 0.14% Unknown 10.42 2.69 $6,000,000
May / 2013 663 58 224 7 1.38% Unknown 10.93 4.83 $6,000,000
March / 2013 721 193 217 31 2.36% Unknown 4.87 6.86 $6,000,000
February / 2013 914 0 186 New 0.36% Unknown 4.09 1.59 $1,036,397


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Hillsdale Global Long/Short Equity U$'s best month was October 2015, ranked #387 with a HedgeScore of 224 earning a 4.05% positive return of $48,286.

Hillsdale Global Long/Short Equity U$'s worst month was January 2016 , ranked #463 with a HedgeScore of 143 taking a -5.77% loss of -$45,102.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!