Ardsley Partners Renewable Energy LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 373
Current Score: 221
Current Rank: 373
All-time Average Rank: 309
All-time Average Score: 258
Max Drawdown: -22.27
Annualized Standard Deviation: 13.63
Year to Date Return: 1.23
5-Star Rating: 13.63

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 373 125 221 4 2.90% Unknown -16.24 10.84 $129,616,224
April / 2016 498 -7 217 13 2.82% Unknown -14.86 6.24 $126,016,815
March / 2016 491 -213 204 28 1.85% Unknown -15.25 2.22 $119,239,149
February / 2016 278 -31 176 -5 -1.84% Unknown -13.06 0.81 $115,696,831
January / 2016 247 245 181 -7 -4.30% Unknown -7.05 5.78 $118,063,892
November / 2015 492 -316 188 -85 -7.12% Unknown -6.76 15.77 $121,056,080
October / 2015 176 117 273 42 3.24% Unknown 1.89 29.63 $131,022,072
August / 2015 293 -46 231 -33 -4.46% Unknown -2.11 55.74 $138,038,938
July / 2015 247 -58 264 -6 -3.13% Unknown 4.84 50.92 $145,729,555
June / 2015 189 -95 270 -50 -2.95% Unknown 5.42 71.68 $148,327,687
May / 2015 94 732 320 139 4.60% Unknown 12.57 66.45 $153,575,749
April / 2015 826 -584 181 -89 2.35% Unknown 3.63 46.64
March / 2015 242 67 270 7 4.48% Unknown -1.88 54.04 $116,699,000
February / 2015 309 161 263 41 4.95% Unknown -4.81 50.64 $110,482,585
January / 2015 470 -146 222 -33 -1.57% Unknown -4.86 40.99 $104,482,904
December / 2014 324 -38 255 -17 0.36% Unknown -0.01 41.24 $100,919,289
November / 2014 286 96 272 26 1.49% Unknown 1.58 48.00 $100,820,584
October / 2014 382 85 246 -7 -2.46% Unknown 4.52 47.98 $99,381,290
September / 2014 467 -308 253 -54 -5.06% Unknown 12.98 49.01 $105,700,000
August / 2014 159 127 307 39 2.32% Unknown 21.17 74.18 $112,778,242
July / 2014 286 -137 268 -47 -2.59% Unknown 17.46 83.99 $106,761,222
June / 2014 149 180 315 48 3.63% Unknown 23.09 112.22 $111,804,543
May / 2014 329 -223 267 -70 -3.71% Unknown 20.06 111.77 $107,115,539
February / 2014 106 25 337 7 4.90% Unknown 27.73 209.77 $116,026,070
November / 2013 131 26 330 12 4.43% Unknown 28.84 192.45 $96,500,548
October / 2013 157 130 318 25 5.43% Unknown 19.38 127.82 $92,827,299
September / 2013 287 68 293 24 1.82% Unknown 15.02 67.31 $87,847,634
May / 2013 355 0 269 New 1.01% Unknown 13.26 11.67 $77,234,429


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2015


Ardsley Partners Renewable Energy LP's best month was October 2013, ranked #157 with a HedgeScore of 318 earning a 5.43% positive return of $5,040,522.

Ardsley Partners Renewable Energy LP's worst month was November 2015 , ranked #492 with a HedgeScore of 188 taking a -7.12% loss of -$8,619,193.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!