Diamond A Partners LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 389
Current Score: 218
Current Rank: 389
All-time Average Rank: 228
All-time Average Score: 280
Max Drawdown: -28.99
Annualized Standard Deviation: 43.99
Year to Date Return: 2.26
5-Star Rating: 43.99

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 389 -290 218 -77 -3.12% Unknown 4.28 106.14 $29,300,000
April / 2016 99 79 295 29 13.19% Unknown 9.31 123.27 $30,400,000
March / 2016 178 308 266 128 21.33% Unknown -6.16 91.97 $26,700,000
January / 2016 486 -346 138 -135 -16.97% Unknown -13.29 64.97 $23,800,000
November / 2015 140 -84 273 -51 1.47% Unknown 11.00 116.89 $33,600,000
October / 2015 56 57 324 41 19.31% Unknown 17.32 131.00 $33,000,000
August / 2015 113 649 283 99 8.55% Unknown 9.32 119.07 $26,900,000
July / 2015 762 -622 184 -98 -17.21% Unknown 2.58 86.96 $24,800,000
June / 2015 140 15 282 -15 -0.45% Unknown 21.30 158.84 $30,000,000
May / 2015 155 38 297 18 1.55% Unknown 19.79 148.96 $30,100,000
April / 2015 193 -76 279 -29 -2.83% Unknown 40.23 127.39 $29,600,000
March / 2015 117 -7 308 -13 0.27% Unknown 43.25 130.45 $30,500,000
February / 2015 110 115 321 55 3.50% Unknown 37.09 138.17 $30,400,000
January / 2015 225 -158 266 -67 -7.48% Unknown 29.69 132.88 $29,400,000
December / 2014 67 11 333 -1 6.14% Unknown 38.00 150.60 $29,900,000
November / 2014 78 -19 334 -3 7.25% Unknown 35.21 161.93 $30,100,000
October / 2014 59 136 337 42 10.83% Unknown 35.29 146.82 $27,600,000
September / 2014 195 42 295 6 2.22% Unknown 19.27 121.80 $24,800,000
August / 2014 237 114 289 32 1.86% Unknown 16.35 135.85 $24,226,694
July / 2014 351 158 257 -1 -2.10% Unknown 15.50 129.19 $23,832,000
June / 2014 509 -436 258 -80 -1.69% Unknown 16.94 123.92 $24,345,000
May / 2014 73 180 338 36 18.88% Unknown 26.17 157.14 $24,700,000
November / 2013 253 32 302 37 7.31% Unknown 20.52 131.99 $24,400,000
August / 2013 285 138 265 9 1.12% Unknown 20.86 11.95 $23,300,000
May / 2013 423 0 256 New 7.17% Unknown 20.07 -16.23 $22,000,000


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2014
Top 100 Hedge Fund October 2014
Top 100 Hedge Fund November 2014
Top 100 Hedge Fund December 2014


Top 100 Hedge Fund October 2015


Top 100 Hedge Fund April 2016


Diamond A Partners LP's best month was March 2016, ranked #178 with a HedgeScore of 266 earning a 21.33% positive return of $5,695,110.

Diamond A Partners LP's worst month was July 2015 , ranked #762 with a HedgeScore of 184 taking a -17.21% loss of -$4,268,080.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!