GAM Talentum Europe Long/Short B USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 383
Current Score: 220
Current Rank: 383
All-time Average Rank: 1103
All-time Average Score: 164
Max Drawdown: -4.52
Annualized Standard Deviation: 4.39
Year to Date Return: -3.69
5-Star Rating: 4.39

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 383 243 220 22 0.87% Unknown 2.56 26.00 $14,000,000
April / 2016 626 -149 198 -10 -1.44% Unknown 2.67 24.52 $14,000,000
March / 2016 477 -5 208 68 -0.32% Unknown 2.62 26.53 $14,000,000
February / 2016 472 -123 140 -22 -2.63% Unknown 4.17 28.49
January / 2016 349 321 162 -14 -0.19% Unknown 7.95 31.83
December / 2015 670 -60 176 5 1.32% Unknown 7.79 28.18
November / 2015 610 182 171 -1 0.49% Unknown 7.61 27.55
October / 2015 792 -122 172 -4 0.64% Unknown 7.47 27.95
September / 2015 670 16 176 3 1.32% Unknown 7.79 28.18
August / 2015 686 154 173 -4 0.83% Unknown 8.31 26.91
July / 2015 840 205 177 20 2.00% Unknown 7.75 26.87
June / 2015 1045 -113 157 -14 -0.09% Unknown 5.07 24.51
May / 2015 932 273 171 24 0.98% Unknown 5.80 25.06
April / 2015 1205 -212 147 -20 -1.48% Unknown 4.71 23.47
March / 2015 993 145 167 6 1.19% Unknown 3.15 25.62
February / 2015 1138 -56 161 4 0.90% Unknown 1.10 26.80
January / 2015 1082 68 157 -3 0.20% Unknown 0.89 27.41
December / 2014 1150 98 160 0 0.44% Unknown 1.30 28.17
November / 2014 1248 -121 160 -5 0.36% Unknown 1.50 28.13
October / 2014 1127 744 165 -4 0.93% Unknown 1.90 28.97
September / 2014 1871 -457 169 19 1.82% Unknown 2.28 28.41
August / 2014 1414 183 150 20 0.31% Unknown -0.05 27.32
July / 2014 1597 635 130 -20 -0.54% Unknown -1.88 26.90
June / 2014 2232 -680 150 10 0.61% Unknown -0.18 26.69
May / 2014 1552 43 140 13 -0.06% Unknown -0.54 26.60
April / 2014 1595 0 127 -24 -2.95% Unknown -0.06 26.93
March / 2014 1595 -442 151 -20 -0.82% Unknown 2.73 25.30
January / 2014 1153 231 171 2 0.60% Unknown 5.69 24.60
November / 2013 1384 -138 169 -2 0.74% Unknown 5.18 24.98
October / 2013 1246 379 171 18 1.31% Unknown 4.60 23.57
September / 2013 1625 -277 153 5 -0.51% Unknown 4.27 22.55
August / 2013 1348 -249 148 -26 -1.53% Unknown 5.56 15.72
July / 2013 1099 29 174 8 1.18% Unknown 7.28 16.13
June / 2013 1128 136 166 -3 0.25% Unknown 8.03 11.81
May / 2013 1264 0 169 New 0.41% Unknown 8.35 13.91


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


GAM Talentum Europe Long/Short B USD's best month was July 2015, ranked #840 with a HedgeScore of 177 earning a 2.00% positive return.

GAM Talentum Europe Long/Short B USD's worst month was April 2014 , ranked #1595 with a HedgeScore of 127 taking a -2.95% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!