Hellman Jordan Private Inves Partnership

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 802
All-time Average Score: 195
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
February / 2016 661 26 112 6 1.31% Unknown -3.30 -7.20
January / 2016 687 -440 106 -131 -7.83% Unknown 7.91 0.78
November / 2015 247 -127 237 -55 -0.21% Unknown 21.26 32.71 $10,150,000
October / 2015 120 130 292 50 19.29% Unknown 15.95 31.49 $10,780,000
August / 2015 250 180 242 15 5.16% Unknown 6.54 36.14 $9,600,000
July / 2015 430 592 227 69 5.70% Unknown 1.59 19.84 $9,100,000
June / 2015 1022 -437 158 -51 -3.35% Unknown -3.33 14.61 $8,630,000
May / 2015 585 482 209 48 0.84% Unknown 1.65 18.73 $8,970,000
April / 2015 1067 -267 161 -26 -2.85% Unknown -1.90 18.95 $8,930,000
March / 2015 800 -384 187 -56 -1.05% Unknown 1.48 23.23 $9,200,000
February / 2015 416 803 243 101 13.54% Unknown 2.12 25.80 $9,300,000
January / 2015 1219 -142 142 -32 -6.54% Unknown 1.65 18.49 $8,900,000
November / 2014 1077 158 174 -22 -4.47% Unknown 12.53 15.22 $9,600,000
September / 2014 1235 -468 196 -15 -3.63% Unknown 16.73 10.22 $9,300,000
August / 2014 767 -50 211 1 -0.25% Unknown 17.75 22.34 $9,600,000
July / 2014 717 124 210 -13 0.17% Unknown 24.62 18.77 $9,600,000
June / 2014 841 183 223 39 2.18% Unknown 26.02 24.85 $9,700,000
May / 2014 1024 -605 184 -78 -2.54% Unknown 20.98 17.51 $9,560,000
February / 2014 419 453 262 51 13.73% Unknown 21.37 95.72 $10,000,000
November / 2013 872 -104 211 -4 1.22% Unknown 12.78 42.06 $8,700,000
October / 2013 768 1037 215 79 5.51% Unknown 11.74 18.20 $8,700,000
September / 2013 1805 -1087 136 -64 -2.48% Unknown 1.34 -11.04 $8,200,000
August / 2013 718 772 200 54 4.37% Unknown 3.38 -13.05 $8,300,000
May / 2013 1490 0 146 New -0.56% Unknown 0.81 -23.58 $10,000,000


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Hellman Jordan Private Inves Partnership's best month was October 2015, ranked #120 with a HedgeScore of 292 earning a 19.29% positive return of $2,079,462.

Hellman Jordan Private Inves Partnership's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #687 with a HedgeScore of 106 taking a -7.83% loss.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!