Itau AAA - Moderate C1

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1383
All-time Average Score: 142
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
February / 2016 617 102 118 18 0.15% Unknown -5.06 9.27
January / 2016 719 553 100 -17 -2.60% Unknown -3.75 10.34
December / 2015 1272 -326 117 -12 -1.39% Unknown -1.18 15.95
November / 2015 946 -88 129 -36 -0.58% Unknown -0.06 17.92
October / 2015 858 414 165 48 3.39% Unknown 1.80 17.68
September / 2015 1272 -15 117 -2 -1.39% Unknown -1.18 15.95
August / 2015 1257 -270 119 -43 -2.50% Unknown -0.89 21.45
July / 2015 987 250 162 20 0.57% Unknown 2.63 23.13
June / 2015 1237 -165 142 -17 -1.72% Unknown 2.00 26.23
May / 2015 1072 -94 159 -11 -0.13% Unknown 4.59 27.03
April / 2015 978 134 170 12 0.76% Unknown 6.30 23.14
March / 2015 1112 -104 158 -16 -0.12% Unknown 6.10 22.57
February / 2015 1008 85 174 18 1.53% Unknown 6.43 24.90
January / 2015 1093 218 156 14 0.66% Unknown 6.81
December / 2014 1311 -54 142 -17 -0.39% Unknown 5.00
November / 2014 1257 20 159 9 1.27% Unknown 5.84
October / 2014 1277 1506 150 11 0.36% Unknown 4.07
September / 2014 2783 -1468 139 -21 -1.10% Unknown 5.68
August / 2014 1315 122 160 16 0.95% Unknown 9.04
July / 2014 1437 646 144 -12 -0.04% Unknown 6.91
June / 2014 2083 -646 156 6 0.77% Unknown 8.52
May / 2014 1437 28 150 11 1.51% Unknown 3.95
April / 2014 1465 324 139 2 0.57% Unknown 1.55
March / 2014 1789 -184 137 -10 0.19% Unknown 1.60
February / 2014 1605 257 147 36 1.89% Unknown 1.80
January / 2014 1862 -38 111 -30 -1.04% Unknown -0.51
December / 2013 1824 -38 141 9 0.40% Unknown 1.99
November / 2013 1786 -307 132 -20 -0.42% Unknown 2.80
October / 2013 1479 200 152 4 1.92% Unknown 3.65
September / 2013 1679 -55 148 26 2.04% Unknown 1.25
August / 2013 1624 -263 122 -27 -1.02% Unknown 0.31
July / 2013 1361 311 149 29 1.46% Unknown 2.58
June / 2013 1672 -157 120 -23 -3.47% Unknown 2.41
May / 2013 1515 -162 143 -9 -0.84% Unknown 8.22
April / 2013 1353 52 152 3 0.62% Unknown 5.59
March / 2013 1405 33 149 11 0.38% Unknown 5.07
February / 2013 1438 0 138 New -0.41% Unknown 4.92


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Itau AAA - Moderate C1's best month was October 2015, ranked #858 with a HedgeScore of 165 earning a 3.39% positive return.

Itau AAA - Moderate C1's worst month was June 2013 , ranked #1672 with a HedgeScore of 120 taking a -3.47% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!