Itau AAA - Moderate C2

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1482
All-time Average Score: 133
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
February / 2016 772 41 99 17 0.06% Unknown -6.10 2.00
January / 2016 813 558 82 -23 -2.69% Unknown -4.80 2.97
December / 2015 1371 -337 105 -12 -1.48% Unknown -2.26 8.06
November / 2015 1034 -77 117 -38 -0.67% Unknown -1.16 9.96
October / 2015 957 414 155 50 3.29% Unknown 0.70 9.70
September / 2015 1371 -38 105 -4 -1.48% Unknown -2.26 8.06
August / 2015 1333 -247 109 -44 -2.60% Unknown -1.97 13.15
July / 2015 1086 240 153 20 0.48% Unknown 1.49 14.68
June / 2015 1326 -186 133 -18 -1.80% Unknown 0.82 17.53
May / 2015 1140 -78 151 -11 -0.23% Unknown 3.34 18.22
April / 2015 1062 134 162 13 0.67% Unknown 5.01 14.56
March / 2015 1196 17 149 -5 -0.21% Unknown 4.78 14.00
February / 2015 1213 -58 154 4 1.44% Unknown 5.06
January / 2015 1155 198 150 14 0.57% Unknown 5.40
December / 2014 1353 -43 136 -18 -0.49% Unknown 3.58
November / 2014 1310 34 154 10 1.19% Unknown 4.37
October / 2014 1344 1585 144 10 0.26% Unknown 2.59
September / 2014 2929 -1562 134 -20 -1.19% Unknown 4.15
August / 2014 1367 167 154 18 0.84% Unknown 7.43
July / 2014 1534 730 136 -13 -0.18% Unknown 5.31
June / 2014 2264 -740 149 6 0.64% Unknown 6.90
May / 2014 1524 84 143 17 1.39% Unknown 2.41
April / 2014 1608 329 126 1 0.44% Unknown 0.04
March / 2014 1937 -212 125 -12 0.05% Unknown 0.08
February / 2014 1725 221 137 35 1.78% Unknown 0.28
January / 2014 1946 -21 102 -29 -1.17% Unknown -1.99
December / 2013 1925 -37 131 7 0.27% Unknown 0.46
November / 2013 1888 -338 124 -21 -0.54% Unknown 1.27
October / 2013 1550 275 145 11 1.79% Unknown 2.10
September / 2013 1825 -109 134 26 1.92% Unknown -0.27
August / 2013 1716 -300 108 -34 -1.15% Unknown -1.18
July / 2013 1416 322 142 30 1.33% Unknown 1.06
June / 2013 1738 -159 112 -25 -3.59% Unknown 0.90
May / 2013 1579 -166 137 -8 -0.96% Unknown 6.61
April / 2013 1413 64 145 2 0.49% Unknown 4.02
March / 2013 1477 169 143 24 0.25% Unknown 3.52
February / 2013 1646 0 119 New -0.53% Unknown 3.37


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Itau AAA - Moderate C2's best month was October 2015, ranked #957 with a HedgeScore of 155 earning a 3.29% positive return.

Itau AAA - Moderate C2's worst month was June 2013 , ranked #1738 with a HedgeScore of 112 taking a -3.59% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!