IW Alternative SIF-Commodities P EUR Acc

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1663
All-time Average Score: 93
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 1596 -732 62 -102 -2.41% Unknown -29.61 $16,329,188
October / 2015 864 732 164 102 8.70% Unknown 8.81 $17,717,273
September / 2015 1596 -58 62 -9 -2.41% Unknown -29.61 $16,329,188
August / 2015 1538 119 71 69 1.22% Unknown -43.83 $16,795,976
July / 2015 1657 116 2 -39 -20.31% Unknown -42.34 $16,464,229
June / 2015 1773 -425 41 -83 -8.50% Unknown -27.33 $20,834,771
May / 2015 1348 207 124 22 0.55% Unknown 5.78 $15,878,816
April / 2015 1555 88 102 10 2.08% Unknown -5.65 $16,141,161
March / 2015 1643 64 92 -6 -6.98% Unknown -4.76 $15,186,061
February / 2015 1707 -1336 98 -140 -3.32% Unknown -10.30 $17,049,559
January / 2015 371 1034 238 108 35.70% Unknown 5.07 $17,742,209
December / 2014 1405 -47 130 -19 0.99% Unknown -4.77 $14,162,369
November / 2014 1358 630 149 134 9.88% Unknown -10.14 $11,734,026
October / 2014 1988 1676 15 -56 -29.69% Unknown -36.33 $9,371,068
September / 2014 3664 -2223 71 -76 -22.13% Unknown -9.00 $13,516,273
August / 2014 1441 -190 147 -11 3.90% Unknown -7.04 $18,099,135
July / 2014 1251 -676 158 -93 0.45% Unknown 2.90 $17,615,764
June / 2014 575 1437 251 186 33.19% Unknown 20.21 $17,160,716
May / 2014 2012 -411 65 -61 -10.31% Unknown -32.33 $12,840,803
April / 2014 1601 775 126 95 3.03% Unknown -25.85 $14,494,551
March / 2014 2376 -525 31 -94 -12.38% Unknown -52.86 $13,970,955
February / 2014 1851 -207 125 -7 13.24% Unknown -42.80 $15,979,136
January / 2014 1644 623 132 100 23.00% Unknown -57.31 $13,350,030
December / 2013 2267 -135 32 40 -4.71% Unknown -69.41 $10,858,881
November / 2013 2132 -228 -8 -74 -22.15% Unknown -70.06 $10,648,457
October / 2013 1904 276 66 70 0.50% Unknown -66.60 $12,541,197
September / 2013 2180 -496 -4 -117 -20.45% Unknown -69.03 $12,092,725
August / 2013 1684 -92 113 -2 15.01% Unknown -54.63 $14,808,318
July / 2013 1592 358 115 127 17.35% Unknown -54.93 $12,502,239
June / 2013 1950 -97 -12 -73 -25.02% Unknown -59.64 $9,880,549
May / 2013 1853 11 61 73 -1.73% Unknown -45.98 $12,012,930
April / 2013 1864 -1076 -12 -221 -34.49% Unknown -52.59 $12,510,016
March / 2013 788 740 209 79 6.31% Unknown $16,342,114
February / 2013 1528 0 130 New -15.48% Unknown $14,851,383


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


IW Alternative SIF-Commodities P EUR Acc's best month was January 2015, ranked #371 with a HedgeScore of 238 earning a 35.70% positive return of $6,333,969.

IW Alternative SIF-Commodities P EUR Acc's worst month was April 2013 , ranked #1864 with a HedgeScore of -12 taking a -34.49% loss of -$4,314,705.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!