III Relative Value Credit Strategy LP 4

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1143
Current Score: 120
Current Rank: 1143
All-time Average Rank: 1150
All-time Average Score: 156
Max Drawdown: -9.44
Annualized Standard Deviation: 5.24
Year to Date Return: 2.82
5-Star Rating: 5.24

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1143 109 120 -14 0.18% Unknown -5.05 20.97
April / 2016 1252 -297 134 9 2.82% Unknown -5.05 21.13
March / 2016 955 -212 125 22 1.73% Unknown -7.49 19.57
February / 2016 743 -41 103 0 -0.59% Unknown -8.96 18.88
January / 2016 702 482 103 -21 -1.30% Unknown -7.67 20.86
December / 2015 1184 57 124 4 -1.71% Unknown -3.72 38.71
October / 2015 1241 -57 120 -4 -1.56% Unknown -4.64 34.61
September / 2015 1184 -94 124 -11 -1.71% Unknown -3.72 38.71
August / 2015 1090 82 135 -10 -0.86% Unknown -2.02 41.80
July / 2015 1172 -128 145 -12 -0.67% Unknown -0.07 44.84
June / 2015 1044 -70 157 -11 -0.26% Unknown 1.10 47.85
May / 2015 974 -15 168 -3 0.16% Unknown 2.52 48.89
April / 2015 959 -3 171 0 0.25% Unknown 2.76 48.71
March / 2015 956 42 171 -4 0.18% Unknown 2.93 48.89
February / 2015 998 71 175 17 0.55% Unknown 3.18 49.95
January / 2015 1069 -38 158 -12 -1.06% Unknown 3.24 49.36
December / 2014 1031 -21 170 -11 -0.28% Unknown 5.20 57.71
November / 2014 1010 35 181 10 0.24% Unknown 5.85 60.35
October / 2014 1045 611 171 -7 -0.34% Unknown 6.11 58.96
September / 2014 1656 -664 178 -12 -0.05% Unknown 7.64 63.16
August / 2014 992 -54 190 3 0.92% Unknown 7.99 67.81
July / 2014 938 382 187 -5 0.45% Unknown 7.95 69.10
June / 2014 1320 -276 192 9 1.26% Unknown 8.10 70.25
May / 2014 1044 207 183 25 0.42% Unknown 5.97 72.16
April / 2014 1251 194 158 -5 0.30% Unknown 6.57
March / 2014 1445 -46 163 0 0.64% Unknown 8.20
February / 2014 1399 -136 163 0 0.70% Unknown 8.36
January / 2014 1263 289 163 0 0.69% Unknown 7.97
December / 2013 1552 -126 163 -2 0.32% Unknown 8.39
November / 2013 1426 -177 165 -6 0.52% Unknown 8.69
October / 2013 1249 -71 171 4 1.32% Unknown 10.12
July / 2013 1178 145 167 16 0.59% Unknown 9.41
June / 2013 1323 -25 151 -15 -0.82% Unknown 9.04
May / 2013 1298 0 166 New 0.38% Unknown 9.06


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III Relative Value Credit Strategy LP 4's best month was April 2016, ranked #1252 with a HedgeScore of 134 earning a 2.82% positive return.

III Relative Value Credit Strategy LP 4's worst month was September 2015 , ranked #1184 with a HedgeScore of 124 taking a -1.71% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!