III Relative Value Credit Strategy Ltd 3

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 318
Current Score: 231
Current Rank: 318
All-time Average Rank: 948
All-time Average Score: 178
Max Drawdown: -8.55
Annualized Standard Deviation: 5.23
Year to Date Return: 3.30
5-Star Rating: 5.23

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 318 -2 231 -13 0.27% Unknown -3.86 22.59 $123,000,000
April / 2016 316 24 244 9 2.90% Unknown -3.98 22.59 $123,000,000
March / 2016 340 365 235 128 1.81% Unknown -6.49 20.77 $123,000,000
February / 2016 705 -20 107 1 -0.51% Unknown -8.05 19.86
January / 2016 685 456 106 -22 -1.25% Unknown -6.71 21.73
December / 2015 1141 74 128 5 -1.62% Unknown -2.49 38.54
October / 2015 1215 -74 123 -5 -1.48% Unknown -3.65 34.45
September / 2015 1141 -94 128 -11 -1.62% Unknown -2.49 38.54
August / 2015 1047 23 139 -15 -0.77% Unknown -0.95 41.20
July / 2015 1070 -59 154 -5 -0.42% Unknown 0.81 44.01
June / 2015 1011 -70 159 -11 -0.17% Unknown 1.71 46.44
May / 2015 941 1 170 -2 0.19% Unknown 2.97 47.63
April / 2015 942 2 172 0 0.27% Unknown 3.21 47.52
March / 2015 944 44 172 -4 0.26% Unknown 3.42 47.98
February / 2015 988 71 176 17 0.63% Unknown 3.59 49.48
January / 2015 1059 -42 159 -12 -0.98% Unknown 3.53 48.99
December / 2014 1017 -10 171 -10 -0.19% Unknown 5.37 58.95
November / 2014 1007 24 181 9 0.27% Unknown 5.86 62.13
October / 2014 1031 525 172 -10 -0.24% Unknown 6.09 60.57
September / 2014 1556 -565 182 -8 0.07% Unknown 7.45 65.70
August / 2014 991 -55 190 3 0.86% Unknown 7.77 71.66
July / 2014 936 383 187 -5 0.46% Unknown 7.75 74.00
June / 2014 1319 -292 192 8 1.16% Unknown 7.87 75.73
May / 2014 1027 -108 184 -1 0.43% Unknown 5.96 79.04
April / 2014 919 168 185 -6 0.32% Unknown 6.49 86.94
March / 2014 1087 -54 191 -1 0.65% Unknown 7.99 95.51
February / 2014 1033 -134 192 1 0.67% Unknown 8.12 94.36
January / 2014 899 237 191 -1 0.66% Unknown 7.79 95.39
December / 2013 1136 -71 192 -1 0.34% Unknown 8.25 99.65
November / 2013 1065 -79 193 -2 0.52% Unknown 8.50 92.95
October / 2013 986 -722 195 -94 1.21% Unknown 9.73 73.86
July / 2013 264 811 289 119 0.58% Unknown 9.10 37.24 $122,000,000
June / 2013 1075 -52 170 -19 -0.66% Unknown 8.81 36.72
May / 2013 1023 0 189 New 1.07% Unknown 9.54 37.92


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


III Relative Value Credit Strategy Ltd 3's best month was April 2016, ranked #316 with a HedgeScore of 244 earning a 2.90% positive return of $3,567,000.

III Relative Value Credit Strategy Ltd 3's worst month was September 2015 , ranked #1141 with a HedgeScore of 128 taking a -1.62% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!