III Relative Value Credit Strategy Ltd 5

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 397
Current Score: 216
Current Rank: 397
All-time Average Rank: 1352
All-time Average Score: 145
Max Drawdown: -8.55
Annualized Standard Deviation: 5.23
Year to Date Return: 3.30
5-Star Rating: 5.23

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 397 11 216 -14 0.27% Unknown -3.86 $123,000,000
April / 2016 408 -1 230 9 2.90% Unknown -3.98 $123,000,000
March / 2016 407 395 221 127 1.81% Unknown -6.49 $123,000,000
March / 2016 802 -45 94 1 -0.51% Unknown -8.05
January / 2016 757 590 93 -16 -1.25% Unknown -6.71
December / 2015 1347 0 109 4 -1.62% Unknown -2.49
October / 2015 1347 0 105 -4 -1.48% Unknown -3.65
September / 2015 1347 -98 109 -11 -1.62% Unknown -2.49
August / 2015 1249 32 120 -14 -0.77% Unknown -1.00
July / 2015 1281 -9 134 -5 -0.42% Unknown 0.81
June / 2015 1272 -111 139 -10 -0.17% Unknown 1.71
May / 2015 1161 6 149 -2 0.19% Unknown 2.97
April / 2015 1167 4 151 -1 0.27% Unknown 3.21
March / 2015 1171 33 152 -3 0.26% Unknown 3.42
March / 2015 1204 77 155 17 0.63% Unknown 3.59
January / 2015 1281 150 138 10 -0.98% Unknown 3.54
December / 2014 1431 70 128 -9 -0.19% Unknown 5.37
November / 2014 1501 18 137 9 0.27% Unknown 5.86
October / 2014 1519 1393 128 -7 -0.24% Unknown 6.09
September / 2014 2912 -1424 135 -8 0.02% Unknown 7.45
August / 2014 1488 -23 143 2 0.86% Unknown 7.77
July / 2014 1465 901 141 -4 0.46% Unknown 7.75
June / 2014 2366 -785 145 7 1.16% Unknown 7.87
May / 2014 1581 -96 138 1 0.43% Unknown 5.96
April / 2014 1485 244 137 -4 0.32% Unknown 6.49
March / 2014 1729 -56 141 -1 0.65% Unknown 7.99
March / 2014 1673 -132 142 1 0.67% Unknown 8.12
January / 2014 1541 292 141 1 0.66% Unknown 7.79
December / 2013 1833 -133 140 -1 0.34% Unknown 8.25
November / 2013 1700 -158 141 -5 0.52% Unknown 8.51
October / 2013 1542 -1049 146 -101 1.21% Unknown 9.73
July / 2013 493 1105 247 120 0.58% Unknown 9.10 $122,000,000
June / 2013 1598 -100 127 -19 -0.66% Unknown 8.81
May / 2013 1498 0 146 New 1.07% Unknown 9.55


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


III Relative Value Credit Strategy Ltd 5's best month was April 2016, ranked #408 with a HedgeScore of 230 earning a 2.90% positive return of $3,567,000.

III Relative Value Credit Strategy Ltd 5's worst month was September 2015 , ranked #1347 with a HedgeScore of 109 taking a -1.62% loss.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!